Database management

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ICT Coursework-Databases

Background Information

The organisations name is Games 4 You and their slogan is “More Games 4 You 4 Less”. The founder of Games 4 You is the new upcoming entrepreneur Miles Zest he launched this company 2003 and already the competition is vast with new and old companies trying to achieve what Games 4 You has achieved. The organisation is fairly big with 256 employees across 13 branches in the U.K. also Approximately 560 games, 230 accessories and 20 consoles are sold everyday, most of the branches are in England, 3 in Northern Ireland and 6 in Wales, The company is planning to open stores in most countries in Europe then if thing go to plan go worldwide and open stores in Japan, America and China but they say they need a new system that is efficient to achieve this.

The current system

Approximately 560 games, 230 accessories and 20 consoles are sold every day but all of these purchases are done on a till and paper so it is paper based and is very inefficient and slow so less purchases are made from high demanding customers. Also the information such as addresses, names, surnames, numbers and receipts are recorded on paper and filed. When stock is finished of a particular item the order to restock it is written on paper and even costumers orders is written on paper and stored.

Problems with current system

Because of the old system they are losing data about costumers such as numbers, addresses, names, surnames and receipts as all of the information is written on paper and filed and has no back up therefore once its lost it is irretrievable. The company is planning to make loyalty cards but they do not have the means to as all the information is stored on paper also even more information will get lost and people will be unhappy if their points are lost and so on. Also there is a problem with organisation such as when costumers place an order for an out of stock game or a console they do not get the order in the time they are told, so more unsatisfied costumers and therefore more problems and more time consuming. The orders the company makes to restock their items are made on paper so they also get lost time to time therefore costumers are lost to competitor stores and sales go down.

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General objectives

The general objective of this project is to help Games 4 You to improve and be computer based I will do this by instead of writing costumer information such as addresses, numbers, names and surnames on paper and filing it risking possible loss of data I will make a database containing fields that all this data can be stored safely with no risk of being lost after some back up is made, I will get the staff that work in  Games 4 You trained on internet use so that they can e-mail companies for products  they ...

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