Describe in detail the main ideas behind Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and describe in detail three pieces of evidence that support this theory.

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Describe in detail the main ideas behind Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection and describe in detail three pieces of evidence that support this theory

By Bakor Al-tayar

Darwin’s theory of evolution is the idea that all species of living things are connected as they all have a common ancestor. The general theory stresses a undirected “decent with modification”. In other words more complex creatures naturally evolve from simpler ancestors over time. The main mechanism of this evolution is the mutations. These are random and most of the time they are not beneficial, but when they are beneficial (by aiding survival) they are preserved by natural selection and are passed on to offspring. Over time these beneficial mutations accumulate and can result in making a new species.

The idea of evolution existed well before Darwin, the Greek philosopher Anazimander proposed the idea of evolution, Darwin added the idea of natural selection, the mechanism through which evolution works. Natural selection works so as to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Imagine a species of animals that live in the mountains and need strong leg muscles to be able to move up and down the hills with ease and without being tired. Now imagine one member of this species had a mutation which allowed it to use its energy more efficiently, in such a way that by eating the same amount of food as the other members it could use more energy out of the food. If an environmental problem took place where there was less food, this member would be more prominent and have higher chances of passing on their traits, because it wasn’t selected against by natural state, as it wasn’t hurt by the lack of food. The inferior members of the group would gradually die out leaving place for those that are more adapted to living in these harsh conditions. Natural selection can be seen as the preservation of a an advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild. Interestingly enough natural selection can be compared to artificial selection (where humans select the traits they wish to reproduce). By selecting specific individuals to be bred a form of selection takes place, gradually over time those with undesired traits would be eliminated as natural selection would eliminate traits that wouldn’t aid survival.

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Darwin traveled all around the world and observed different species in different places thanks to the beagle. Darwin was inspired by the books of Charles Lyell and was convinced that uniformitarianism (the late 18th century theory of James Hutton that the natural forces now changing the shape of the Earth's surface have been operating in the past much in the same way.  The most important implication is that the Earth is very old and that the present is the key to understanding the past.) provided the correct understanding of the earth’s geological history.  The combination of his observations and knowledge ...

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