Determination of the relative atomic mass of Lithium.

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Chemistry Coursework

Determination of the relative atomic mass of Lithium

In this experiment I am going to determine the relative atomic mass of lithium using two different methods, which are:

  • Measuring the volume of hydrogen produced
  • Titrating the lithium hydroxide produced

Lithium is a group 1 alkaline metal.

Method 1 – Procedure

  • Set up the apparatus as shown.  The 250cm³ conical flask contains exactly 100.0cm³ of distilled water.
  • Weigh about 0.10g of lithium.  Record the exact mass of lithium using an appropriate format.
  • Remove the stopper, add lithium and quickly replace the stopper.
  • Collect the gas evolved. Record the final volume.
  • Keep the solution in the conical flask form method 2.

Results –

I mole of gas occupies 24 000cm³ at room temperature and pressure.

        2Li(s) + 2H  O(l)         2LiOH(aq) + H (g)

                         ²        ²

Lithium – 0.130g

Gas collected (hydrogen) – 186cm³

Convert 186cm³ into dm³ = 186/1000 = 0.186dm³

Number of moles of hydrogen = Mass/Ar = 0.186dm³/1000 = 0.0080 (to 1 significant figure).

To find the number of moles of lithium the ratio:

1 mole of hydrogen to 2 moles of lithium is used…

…So 0.0080 multiplied by 2 = 0.016 (moles of lithium)

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Ar = mass/moles = 0.13/0.016 = 8.125

The actual atomic mass of lithium on the periodic table is 6.9.  

The higher result of the atomic mass maybe due to some of the hydrogen gas escaping, this is a systematic error.

Method 2 – Procedure

  • Pipette 25.0cm³ of solution in the conical flask from method 1 into a clean 250cm³ conical flask and add 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
  • Titrate with 0.100 mol dm³ HCl(aq).
  • Record your results in an appropriate format.
  • Repeat the titration to obtain consistent results.  Show all of your results.
  • Record average titre.

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