Determine how the effect of electrical resistance changes with varied length of a metal wire.

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Electrical Resistance Coursework


This coursework is based on the topic of electrical resistance.  The aim of this coursework is to determine how the effect of electrical resistance changes with varied length of a metal wire, which is the factor I will be investigating.  In order to do this, I will measure the resistance of the wire at equal length intervals, using a voltmeter in parallel and ammeter in series, and then record the change in resistance in relation to the length of the wire.  In the end I am going to find out as to how resistance of a metal wire varies in relation to the length of the wire used.  

Theoretical Background

        Firstly, resistance shall be dealt with.  Electrical resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric charge (current).  With a given energy source, such as a battery, the size of the current that flows is determined by the resistance of the circuit.  All conductors resist the flow of electric charge to a certain extent, but some conductors are better resistors than others.  The bigger the resistance of a conductor, the harder it is for electric charge to flow through it.

        With a conductor of high resistance, the amount of charge flowing through it is reduced, and energy is released, resulting in the conductor becoming hot, due to friction.

        Resistance can be defines as the ratio of the voltage across an object to the current flowing through it.  The formula to work out the resistance is:

Resistance         =         Voltage ÷ Current

R                 =        V÷ I    

Ω                 =        V÷ A        


        The unit for resistance is the ohm (Ω).  In series circuits, the resistance is shared amongst the various components, and in parallel circuits the total resistance is always less than the branch with the smallest resistance.  So basically the resistance here can be worked out by using the following equation:

1/R        =        1/R1  + 1/R2  + 1/R3

           Now electric current shall be dealt with.  Electric current is the flow of electric charge.  It is measured by an ammeter in series within a circuit.  The unit for current is the amp (A).  The electric current usually arises because electrons which are negatively charged are moving through a metal conductor.  Electric charge is not created or destroyed.  It is a property of matter.  We don’t usually observe the charge because equal numbers of positive and negative charges cancel out one another.  In a series circuit, the current remains constant throughout the circuit, because no charge is lost.  In a parallel circuit, the sum of the currents is equal to the current in the series part of the circuit, because the current is split in each of the branches of the parallel circuit.  1 amp is a flow of 1 coulomb (C) of charge per second.

Current        =        Charge ÷ Time  

I                =        Q ÷ t

1A                =         1C ÷ 1s

        Electric current flows because of a potential difference.  Energy is supplied to a circuit from a battery or from a power pack to make current flow.  The flowing current carries electrical energy to devices which transfer electrical energy to kinetic energy (motor), sound energy (speaker), light energy (bulb) or heat energy (heater).

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        Potential difference is measured in volts (V) by a voltmeter placed in parallel to the energy transfer device, such as a battery, power pack or bulb.  1 volt means that 1 joule of energy is being transferred for each coulomb of charge that flows.  

Voltage        =        Energy ÷ Charge

V                =        J ÷ C

         In series circuits, the total voltage is shared between the various components, meaning the voltages round a series circuit always add up to equal the total voltage of the supply.  In parallel circuits, all the components of the circuit receive the same voltage as the power supply. ...

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