Determine the osmotic properties of a potato and how osmosis within the potato is affected in different concentrations of sucrose and water [molar solutions].

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Osmosis : Coursework


The aim of my investigation is to determine the osmotic properties of a potato and how osmosis within the potato is affected in different concentrations of sucrose and water [molar solutions]. How does the mass of the potato correlate with the concentration of the solution? Is there an isotonic point in this experiment?

What's the 'isotonic point'?:

If the concentration of the molar solution is equal on both sides, the water will move back and forth but it won't have any result on the overall amount of water on either side.   This point in osmosis is known as the isotonic point as "iso" means "the same". How can we determine when this equilibrium has been reached?

What is osmosis?:

Osmosis is a form of diffusion. It is the movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a semi permeable membrane. The below diagram (which I have drawn) is a good example of how diffusion in water works. The water molecules are shown in blue, the semi permeable membrane as a dotted line and the pink circles with 3 blue circles surrounding represent hydrated sugar molecules. There are more free water molecules on the left, so more will diffuse from left to right than in the other direction. Sugar molecules will diffuse more slowly from right to left.


I predict that the higher concentration of sucrose in the solution, the less the potato will weigh (less mass). I predict this because there will be a lower concentration of water in the surrounding solution and the water will move from the potato through its semi permeable membrane into the surrounding solution. This is an example of the process of osmosis.


I think that when the surrounding solution is hypotonic (hypo meaning less), there are less solute molecules outside the cell, thus water will move into the cell.The cell will gain water and grow larger (making an increase in mass). In plant cells, the central vacuoles will fill and the plant becomes stiff and rigid [turgid], the cell wall keeps the plant from bursting, we can see this in swelling in the potato cylinders. However, if the surrounding solution is hypertonic (hyper meaning more), there are more solute molecules outside the cell, therefore water will move into the surrounding solution. In plant cells, the central vacuole loses water (resulting in a decrease in mass) and the cells shrink, causing wilting. This can also be seen in the potato cylinders.

If there is no difference in the two water concentrations an equilibrium will be formed. This equilibrium can be referred to as an "Isotonic Solution", that is water will continue to move back and forth without having any effect on the overall amount of water on either side. When this equilibrium is formed osmosis ceases.

  • In distilled water (0M) there will be a higher concentration of solute in the potato, therefore water will move into the potato, showing an increase in mass. The effects of being placed in a hypotonic solution can be seen by the eye, in the swelling of the potato as the central vacuoles fill.
  • In a solution of 0.2M, I don't think that there will be a particularly extreme change in mass. Both the potato and the solution have simillar concentration gradients. This could be an isotonic point in the experiment.
  • In a solution of 0.4M, I think there will be a slight decrease in mass as the surrounding solution is hypertonic, meaning that water will be moving from an area of  relatively high concentration (inside the potato) to an area of low concentration (the solution). Though the mass may not decrease greatly as there is only a small difference in the concentration gradients, effects of being placed in a hypertonic solution may be visible.
  • In a solution of 0.6M the decrease in mass should be more visible as there is a more extreme difference between the concentration gradients. As a result there should be a more rapid decrease in mass than in the 0.4M solution. (Reasons for this are stated above)
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In solutions of 0.8M and 1M the decrease in mass will be extremely noticeable as the concentration gradients of both the solutions and the potato are dramatically different. There is a small chance (because we are dealing with high molars of sucrose solution) that the potato cells may become flaccid (lacking in strength or firmness) and the cell contents may shrink and detach from the cell wall, becoming plasmolysed.

All in all, I predict that a decrease in mass of the potato will begin to show from the 0.4M solution onwards. This is due to the fact that there is a ...

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