DIFFUSION & OSMOSIS How do substances move into and out of cells? Hypothesis: Glucose will diffuse through the dialysis tube (the selective membrane) whereas starch wont.

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Diffusion & Osmosis Lab

Purpose: How do substances move into and out of cells?

Hypothesis: Glucose will diffuse through the dialysis tube (the selective membrane) whereas starch won’t.


- Dialysis tubing (20cm long)

- Test tubes

- 250mL beaker

- 500mL beaker

- String

- Hot water bath

- Iodine (KI) solution

- Distilled water

- 500mL beaker

- Benedict’s solution

- 40% glucose solution

- 1% starch solution

- Dropper

- Syringes


Preliminary tests:

  1. Place 2mL of starch solution in test tube and add one drop of iodine to the solution. Record the result.
  2. Place 5mL of glucose solution in a test tube and add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution. Place the test tube in boiling water for 3 minutes and record the result.

- Iodine tests for starch

- Benedicts test for glucose

Laboratory tests:

  1. Take a piece of dialysis tubing and soak it in distilled water.
  2. Rub the bag between your fingers until it opens.
  3. Tie a very tight knot at one end of the bag.
  4. Use a syringe to fill the dialysis tubing with 40mL of starch solution and add 5mL of 40% glucose solution to it.
  5. Tie a knot to close the dialysis bag. Rinse bag with distilled water and be gentle when drying.
  6. Place the bag in a 250mL beaker and add water until the bag is covered.
  7. Add iodine until the water turns orange
  8. Observe the color change of the bag and the beaker contents for 15 minutes. Record your observations.
  9. Place 5mL of beaker fluid to a test tube and add benedicts solution until the content turns blue.
  10.  Heat the test tube in boiling water for 3 minutes and record your observation. (if positive, it would change from blue to orange)
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Preliminary Test Results

1. What happened when you placed a drop of iodine into the starch solution?

There was a color change from yellow to purple when placed a drop of iodine into the starch solution.

2. What happened to the sugar solution and Benedict’s when heated?

The color changes from blue to orange when we heated the sugar solution and Benedict’s.

3. What happened during the experiment while the dialysis tubing was placed in water?

While the dialysis tubing was placed in water, glucose diffused out of the dialysis tubing ...

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