Does Changing the Light Intesity Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis?

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Photosynthesis. This is the food process that occurs in plants. It makes Glucose and oxygen; this increases the mass of the plant making it bigger. The raw materials used to make the process are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) but plain water will not do, as the plant needs minerals in the water to help it grow more. Light energy is possibly the most important element for this process to work light energy makes the plants green and is absorbed by a green substance called Chlorophyll.

Word Equations. These are the word equations for this process.

Prediction. I predict that the photosynthesis process will take place quicker when the lamp is closer to the jar than when it's farther away from it. I believe this is because the closer the lamp the higher the light intensity will be, thus the chlorophyll will be able to absorb the light energy quicker, more bubbles of oxygen will appear. The light would make the particles faster and give then more kinetic energy and they will collide more frequently. This would speed up the chemical reaction making more oxygen bubbles. To make the enzymes react quicker the best temperature would be 35-40* C.
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Plan. This experiment will show if we change the light intensity the speed of Photosynthesis will change and speed up. For this experiment I will need:

A large beaker filled with water, which will be kept at the same temperature throughout the experiment. Inside this will be a test tube filled with approximately 12% of Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate (to ensure that the weed has enough Carbon Dioxide) and the rest was filled up with water, which will be stuck to the bottom with plasticine. A lamp will be place next to it to and a ruler will ...

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