Does lifestyle affect the development of coronary heart disease?

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Does lifestyle affect the development of coronary heart disease?

The lifestyle of a person can seriously increase or decrease their chance of suffering from coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease can affect anyone – men and women. It happens when arteries become narrowed through a process called Atherosclerosis. When this happens the blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle is restricted, particularly when you exert yourself and the demands of the heart muscle.

Atherosclerosis occurs when the inner lining of the artery wall becomes furred with atheroma made up of fatty deposits of cholesterol, cell waste, and other substances. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in the bloodstream and in all the body's cells. The bodies cholesterol is measured in millimols per litre of blood. Only a small proportion of cholesterol in the body comes from the cholesterol in the food. It is made mostly in the liver from the saturated fat found in food. There are two main types of cholesterol:

  • Low Density Lipoproteins – (LDL). LDL carries cholesterol round the body and deposits it in the arteries, this can lead to fatty deposits developing in the arteries – a process called atheroscterus too much LDL cholesterol creates an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
  • High Density Lipoproteins – (HDL). HDL can carry cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver. A low level of HDL may increase your risk of CHD, while a raised blood level of HDL can help protect you from CHD.

Saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol levels and can be found in the following foods: butter, hard cheese, lard, dripping, coconut and palm oil.  Hidden saturated fats are found in biscuits and pastry.

The BHF advises that people should have a total cholesterol level of under 5 mmo1/L and a LDL level under 3 mmo1/L.

The average blood cholesterol level of people living in England is 5.5mmol/1. This is high compared to other countries. For example, in China the average is 4.5mmol/1.

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These form raised patches of artery wall know as ‘plaques’ which narrow the arteries reducing the space through which blood can flow. At the same time the blood becomes more prone to clotting. A heart attack (or myocardial Infraction (MI) – total blockage of coronary artery) then occurs when a clot develops on the heart muscle due to the blockage of the artery on the heart. Because of the blockage it prevents the heart pumping any blood into the aorta use to the blockage and this causes the heart to come under great pressure and causes it to go into ...

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