Does the strength of salt solution have an effect on the mass of potatoes?

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Does the strength of salt solution have an effect on the mass of potatoes?


For this investigation I will need:-


Different strengths of salt solution




I will start by cutting a potato into 6 small cylinders. The cylinders will be 5 cm long and once cut they will be weighed and to make it a fair test I will use the same sized instrument to cut the potato into pieces. After the potatoes have been weighed they will each be places in to a 100ml beaker of salt solution will solute concentrations of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, and also 1. I am using a 100ml of solution in each beaker to make this a fair test and the beakers will be checked in case any solution is spilled. After I have placed the pieces of potato in the solution I will leave them for around 5 hours and later check and weigh them to see if the have gained mass or lowered in mass.
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I think that if the strength of the salt solution is weaker then the mass of potato will be heavier than a high solute concentration. This is because if the concentration if the concentration of the solution is lower there is more water present so the potato will be heavier because osmosis has taken place. Osmosis is when water molecules travel from an area of low concentration to a area of a high concentration. If the solution is in between the cytoplasm in the cells will be isotonic to the cells surroundings. If there is a ...

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