Effect of different substrates on fermentation by Yeast.

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Effect of Different Substrates on Fermentation by Yeast


Yeast respire anaerobicly

Glucose → ethanol + CO2 ( + 2ATP )


To find the effect of different substrates on fermentation by yeast.




In my investigation I will change the different substrates & measure the amount of Carbon Dioxide gas collected.  Using a monosaccharide (Glucose), a disaccharide (Fructose), and a polysaccharide (Starch) as the substrates.

I think that the glucose will produce the most Carbon Dioxide gas, as it is a monosaccharide, and will be easier to break down as it has fewer bonds to break.  We do not know what yeast can do, we know that it can break down glucose, but we do not know if it can break down starch into glucose to release carbon dioxide.  So this experiment should help me to see what yeast can do.

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Collect and set the apparatus up as shown in the diagram.

Heat the water to 40°C.

Weigh out 1g of yeast, 2g of substrate and 3ml of water, and put in the test tube.

Place a layer of oil over the top of this.

Start the stop clock, and leave the test tube to stand at room temperature for 10mins.

After 10mins, place the test tube in the heated (40°C) water, place the bung on top, and time for a further 10mins.

After 10mins, read the amount of Carbon Dioxide collected in the measuring cylinder, and record you ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a good write up but it lacks a little bit of depth in places. It shows a little confusion on the molecules used that could easily be sorted out by including some diagrams. It could be enhanced by trying to expand a little on some of the failings in the results. The writer could try and explain why they got some of the results rather than simply stating it. Some more technical vocabulary would also help. ****