Effect of Ethanol on the Daphnia heart rate

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Effect of Ethanol on the Daphnia heart rate

In this experiment we will be looking at the effects of different concentrations of ethanol on the heart rate of the water flea, Daphnia.  This small freshwater crustacean is relatively transparent; this allows their heart rate to be recorded clearly by simply observing them through the microscope.  The experiment consists in preparing 5 different environments to put the water flea in, and observe how the heart rate responds to each change; the change will be the increase of ethanol concentration %. This will be the independent variable. The dependent variable is the heart rate of the Daphnia.

The materials needed to perform this experiment are the following:

  • Normal size syringe
  • 2 Small syringes (must have units of measurement)
  • Open top pipette
  • Ethanol of 1% concentration
  • *Various Daphnia to perform experiment on
  • Microscope
  • 6 Petri dishes  
  • Cavity slide
  • Marker
  • Paper
  • Stop watch
  • Distilled water
  • Labels

*Before performing the experiment you will have to go to a pond or lake, and acquire a significant amount of water fleas and place them in a glass or container in water from the pond or lake.


  1.  The first thing that has to be done is the preparation of the different solutions where the Daphnia will be placed.  To do this you will need the small syringe, and 5 Petri dishes.  It is very advisable to have labels.  The first Petri dish will contain 0% Ethanol, in other words just water. With a small syringe, take 10 ml of distilled water (the use of distilled water is important as you will be removing any materials that may have effect on the Daphnia heart rate) and place it in the Petri dish. The syringe you just used will only be used with water; do not use it for the ethanol.  Put a 0% label next to the Petri dish in order to keep track of the different concentrations you will be making. The next Petri dish will contain 0.2% ethanol concentration, and you will make concentrations going up to 0.8%,  so:

  • 0.2 %: With the other small syringe (this one will only be used for ethanol), add 2 ml of the 1% Ethanol, to 8 ml of distilled water (remember to use the water syringe).
  • 0.4 %: Add 4 ml of the 1% ethanol, to 6 ml of distilled water
  • 0.6%: Add 6 ml of the 1% ethanol, to 4 ml of distilled water
  • 0.8%: Add 8 ml of the 1% ethanol, to 2 ml of distilled water
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*remember to label each concentration accordingly

  1. Set your microscope up, put it on medium magnification. Do not turn it on yet because the light of the microscope can heat up the environment where you will be observing the Daphnia. It is important to try to keep the temperature of the experiment as stable as possible.  Heat may modify the Daphnia heart rate, and the effect of heat on the heart rate is not the purpose of this experiment.

  1.  Now it is time to pick out one Daphnia from the glass or container where ...

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