Electrolysis - How is the amount of copper deposited affected by the voltage?

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Stuart Adams 10Sa2


How is the amount of copper deposited affected by the voltage?


The aim of this experiment is to find out what effect the change in voltage has upon the amount of copper deposited in 5 minutes. The voltages I will be using are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12volts; I will use these voltages because they are the only ones available on the power pack. I am doing the experiment for 5 minutes because it is enough time to get a result and it is short enough for doing 6 voltages in one lesson. I will repeat this on another lesson to gain 2 sets of results.


I predict that 12v will produce the most copper because there is more energy being transferred into the copper ions making the move quicker.

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Fair testing

To make this experiment fair I will; use the same amount of copper chloride (30ml) for each test, use the same graphite rods and sand them down to the same weight each time, do the experiment for the same length  of time (5 mins).


  • Power pack
  • 50ml beaker
  • 2 wires (with crocodile clips)
  • 2 graphite rods
  • Plastic rod holder
  • Sand paper
  • Copper chloride
  • Stop watch
  • Filter paper (to filter and deposited copper in the solution)
  • Funnel (to hold filter paper)
  • Weighing scales (electronic for more accuracy)


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