Evaluate the accurate acid concentration of a sulphuric acid solution which is formed as a by-product of the extraction of a metal from its original ore.

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Chemistry Assignment

Finding out how much acid is present in a solution.


The aim of my investigation is to evaluate the accurate acid concentration of a sulphuric acid solution, converted from the compound Sulphur Dioxide, which is formed as a by- product of the extraction of a metal from its original ore. The way in which this is going to be carried out is with the aid of the Titration process, which I will explore in more detail further on.

Titration is a method of quantitative analysis, which is used to explore the reaction between two solutions.

One solution is placed in a burette; meanwhile the other solution is placed into the beaker (a conical flask may also be used). The solution in the burette is run into the beaker until just enough has been added for the reaction to reach completion.

An indicator is often used at the end of the reaction to check for the pH of the solution. A colour change will denote the end of the reaction. (Activity sheet EL2.1)

The strength of an acid or an alkali is based on the extent to which they form ions when dissolved in water. Strong acids or alkalis are completely in ion form when dissolved in water. The process only partially completes for weak acids and alkalis.

I shall now display a strength calssification of the acids and alkalis in our availability:

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(Source Information sheet on the use of indicators in acid alkali solutions)

I also managed to obtain some information on the suitability of each indiactor to each reaction:

  • Titration between a strong acid and a weak alkalimethyl orange indicator
  • Titration between weak acid and strong alkaliPhenolphthalein indicator
  • Titration between strong acid and strong alkalimethyl orange is usually chosen
  • Titration between weak acid and weak alkali→ no indicator is suitable pH meter; conductivity meter or temperature probe has to be used.

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