Experiment To Show The Effect’s Of Length Of A Pendulum To The Frequency Of Oscillation

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Experiment To Show The Effect's Of Length Of A Pendulum To The Frequency Of Oscillation


Investigating how the length of a pendulum affects the frequency of oscillation.

Background Knowledge:

* The frequency of a wave is the number of waves generated per second. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz)

The equation used to calculate frequency is:

Frequency = Length Period (T)

* The period of a wave is the time taken for one complete oscillation or wave.

The equation used to calculate the period is:

Period (T) = Length Frequency
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* One complete oscillation of the pendulum is the time taken for the pendulum to swing across and back.

* An equation linking the length of the pendulum to the period is:

Period (T) = 2 ????Length


The Length (in metres) is divided by the forces of gravity, which on earth is 10N/Kg. The square root of this total is multiplied by two pie (6.283) to calculate the period in seconds.

* We carried out a short experiment that showed that the height from the table and the weight are not variables.

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