Extraction of copper from its ore by using bacterial leaching

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Extraction of copper from its ore by using bacterial leachingIn 1752 engineers discovered ,during they wanted to open an old roman minein Spain, a blue-green liquid running from the mountains of excavated rockacross old iron implements. This liquid left a brown film which was lateridentified as pure copper. After a long time believing that this is a result ofinorganic chemical reactions, in 1947 US microbiologists found out that in factmicro-organisms are responsible for the transformation.The insoluble minerals of copper, zinc and lead, containing S –ions, whichare oxidised by bacteria ( e.g. Thiobacillus ferro-oxidans and Thiobacillusthio-oxidans) to gain energy for staying alive. Fe –ions are also suited forthis oxidation process by bacteria, which releases these valuable metal ionsinto solution.Research laboratories around the world want to develop the technique usingbacteria leaching for extracting copper, a link between biotechnology andmetallurgy, biohydrometallurgy.The process is using the low-grade ore and tailings from any earlierconventional mining, which are placed in an area where the ground is
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impermeable.Then an acidic leaching solution containing T. ferro-oxidans and T.thio-oxidans is sprayed over ore and the tailings. Because these bacteria need only asupply of S- ions or Fe-ions, carbon dioxide and oxygen to live, they don’tneed any organic material on which to feed. The bacteria than convert theinsoluble sulphide minerals into a solution containing Cu , Fe , Fe and SO ions.It is easy to remove the solution which contains the copper ions, because ofthe impermeable layer. To get out of this solution only the copper ionsanother process is required, the ligand exchange solvent extraction. A good ligandfor copper ions ...

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