Factors Affecting Cooling

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Factors Affecting Cooling


For this investigation I will be carrying out experiments to see what kind of factors affect cooling. Cooling happens to every single living organisms living on this planet and I shall be investigating what factors affect there

temperature in simple experiments. In the real world these aspects could include body volume, surface area, surrounding temperatures, humidity, insulating type, colour of surface and whether they huddle in numbers or not.


My aim is to investigate the cooling of a single body. To represent this body I shall be using a glass beaker as the surface and skin. For the insides of this body I shall be using boiled water and placing this water in the glass beaker. The two factors that will affect this experiment will be the surface area and volume. The one variable that I will change will be surface area the water is in contact with.


I think that if more of the water is touching the glass rather than other water molecules then the faster the cooling will be. In other words the more surface area to body ratio the water is touching then the water will cool down faster. If this is right then the water in the biggest beaker will cool down faster and the water in the smallest beaker will cool down slower.

   I think that this will happen because more water molecules are in contact with a colder surface. Because when hot and cold meets, the heat will radiate into the cold and keep doing so until both are equal, this is known as convection. If more water molecules touch the glass then more radiation will occur and the faster the heat will be lost. If less water molecules touch the glass then the less radiation will occur and the slower the heat will be lost. In the biggest beaker more water molecules are touching as there is more surface area and the water is spread out more. In the smallest beaker less water molecules touch the glass as the water is more compact and less spread out.

Preliminary Work

In my preliminary work I have found out a number of things that would affect my results and what reading I would take down.

   Firstly when the water is boiled and put into the beaker the some of the heat is lost and so the temperature is not 100°C. This will affect what reading I take. When the water is put into the beaker it is normally around 85-95°C depending on the beaker so I decided to take my reading from 80°C. By doing this each experiment and each beaker was subjected to a fair and equal test.

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   Secondly I found out that the water loses heat differently from the glass to the air. To counter this I shall be putting a piece of card on top of the beaker to stop air getting into it. This will make the results more reliably and consistent.

   I also timed how long the water cooled down in around 5 minutes and that came to around 40-60°C which I thought was fairly suitable. I timed if the temperature would change in 30 second intervals and they did so I decided to take around 10 readings in a 5 minute ...

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