Factors affecting the rate of Cooling

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Factors affecting the rate of Cooling


The purpose of this investigation is to find the factors affecting the rate cooling. If there are more than two factors that do affect the rate of cooling then are there relationships between them.


In my experiments I am going to use 6 different sized beakers, however I will keep the volume inside the beakers at a constant 50ml. It is likely that when I change the size of the beaker to a larger one then the cooling will take less time. This is because there is more surface area exposed to the surrounding air. It is also likely that if I increase the volume but keep the same size beaker the cooling will take longer. This is because the liquid not exposed to the air will retain its heat for a longer period of time.

It is also likely that when the temperature of the solution is increase the speed of the cooling will increase. This is because the molecules will have more energy; this will make them move faster. This will mean that the molecules will disperse heat evenly.

When the experiment finishes I will have a set of results and from those I will produce some graphs. It is likely that these graphs will show a relationship between temperature and time. I believe that the graph will begin with a steep line, as the heat is high but will then begin to level out as the heat decreases.


Having analysed both variables I have decided to conduct an investigation concerning the surface area.
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Equipment Used:

50cm3 beaker


00cm3 beaker

Bunsen burner

250cm3 beaker


400cm3 beaker

Heat proof-mat

800cm3 beaker




* To keep an accurate measurement I will use the same thermometer and end the experiment when the liquid reaches 50oC.

* I will measure the time it takes from when the liquid reaches 95oC.

* To keep accurate and constant results I will ask a friend to measure the time while I measure the temperature of the liquid.

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