Find out how magnesium ribbon reacts with various chlorides.

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Compare the reactivity of the Transition Metals with the elements in Group 2.

This investigation aims to find out how magnesium ribbon reacts with various chlorides including zinc chloride, iron chloride, copper chloride, nickel chloride and cobalt chloride, as compared to the reactivity of the elements in group two. All the elements that combine with the chloride ions to form the compounds are transition metals.

Reactivity series.

The reactivity series is a list of metals in order of reactivity with the most reactive metal at the top of the list and steadily decreasing reactivity down the list. The list is as follows:

Potassium K

Sodium Na

Calcium Ca

Magnesium Mg

Aluminium Al

Zinc Zn

Iron Fe

Lead Pb

Copper Cu

Mercury Hg

Silver Ag

Platinum Pt

Note: this list could be shorter or longer depending upon the number of metals you wish to consider.

As I have mentioned above, all the elements that have been combined with the chloride ions to form the chloride compounds are transition metals. This means that the reactions that will take place may not be in any obvious order e.g. in order of reactivity, thus I will have to investigate and find out in what order they will react.

Transition Metals.

Transition metals have the following properties in common: -

> The metals have higher melting points, boiling points and densities than group 1 metals

> The metals are usually strong and shiny.

> They are good conductors of heat and electricity (just like other metals).

> Some of these metals have strong magnetic properties.

> Transition metals often form more than one positive ion.

> Transition metal compounds are often coloured e.g. copper chloride is blue.

> Transition metals and transition metal compounds are often good catalysts e.g. nickel is the catalyst used to turn oils into fats for making margarine, and iron is the catalyst used in the Haber process for making ammonia.

Arrangement of particles in an atom

The protons and neutrons are tightly packed in the nucleus of an atom. The electrons move rapidly around the nucleus in distinct energy levels. Each energy level is capable of accommodating only a certain number of electrons.

The first energy level can hold only two electrons. This energy level is filled first.

The second energy level can hold only eight electrons. This energy level is filled after the first energy level and before the third energy level.

The third energy level can hold a maximum of 18 electrons. However, when eight electrons are in the third energy level there is a degree of stability and the next two electrons added go into the fourth energy level. Then extra electrons enter the third energy level until it contains the maximum of 18 electrons.

There are further energy levels, each containing a larger number of electrons than the preceding energy level. You will find that properties of elements and the position in the periodic table are related to electronic structure. The electronic structure 2,8,1 denotes 2 electrons in the first energy level, 8 in the second, and 1 in the third. This is sometimes called the electronic configuration of an atom.

The electronic structure of the atom.

You can imagine a model of an atom with electrons orbiting in shells around the nucleus. The electrons in each successive shell have an orbit further away from the nucleus. A more advanced model of electron structure is used in which each shell is made up of sub-shells.


There are different types of sub shell: s, p, d and f. each type of sub-shell can hold a different number of electrons.











The table below shows the shells and sub-shells, and their configuration.



Total number of electrons

st shell


2 =2

2nd shell

2s 2p

2 + 6 =8

3rd shell

3s 3p 3d

2 + 6 + 10 =18

4th shell

4s 4p 4d 4f

2 + 6 + 10 + 14 =32

> Each successive shell contains a new type of sub-shell.

> The 1st shell contains 1 sub-shell, the second sub-shell contains 2 sub-shells, and so on.


How do the electrons fit into the sub-shells? Mathematicians have worked out that

electrons occupy negative charge clouds called orbitals and these make up each sub-shell.

> An orbital can hold up to two electrons.

> Each type of sub-shell has different orbitals: s, p, d and f.

The table below shows how electrons fill the orbitals in each sub-shell.





x 2 = 2



3 x 2 = 6



5 x 2 = 10



7 x 2 = 14


> An s-orbital has a spherical shape.


> A p-orbital has a three dimensional dumb-bell shape.

> There are three p-orbitals, px, py and pz, at right angles to on another.

d-orbitals and f-orbitals.

The structures of d and f-orbitals are more complex.

> There are five d-orbitals

> There are seven f-orbitals.

How do two electrons fit into an orbital?

Electrons are negatively charged so they repel one another. An electron also has a property called spin. The two electros in an orbital have opposite spins helping to counteract the natural repulsion between their negative charges. Within an orbital, the electrons must have opposite spins.

Filling the sub-shells

Sub-shells have different energy levels. The diagram below shows the relative energies for the sub-shells in the first four shells.

> Shells and sub-shells are occupied in energy-level order.

> Within a shell, the sub-shell energies are in the order: s, p, d and f.

> Electrons occupy orbitals singly to prevent any repulsion caused by pairing.

The 2s orbital is occupied before the 2p orbitals because it is at a lower energy. Note that the 4s sub-shell is at a lower energy than the 3d sub-shell and therefore the 4s sub-shell fills before the 3d sub-shell.

Electronic configuration.

The electronic configuration of an atom is a shorthand method showing how electrons occupy sub-shells.


Boron: atomic number 5

Electronic configuration: 1s22s22p1

The electronic configurations can get more complicated depending on the element.
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Potassium: atomic number 19

Electronic configuration: 1s22s22p63s23p64s1

Simplifying electronic configurations.

The similar electronic configurations within a group of the periodic table can be emphasised with a simpler representation in terms of the previous noble gas.


The last noble gas before potassium is argon. Argon's electronic configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p6 so therefore the electronic structure of potassium can be shortened to [Ar] 4s1.

Argon is the last noble gas before all of the transition metals so they will all be shortened to have [Ar] before the rest of their electronic ...

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