Find out how the length and width affect the resistance of a graphite track.

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To find out how the length and width affect the resistance of a graphite track.


In this experiment I will be investigating the electrical resistance of carbon in the form of graphite. Carbon is widely considered to be a conductor; in fact it is the only non-metal conductor. However, physicists think of carbon as a semi conductor. It is a poor conductor at low temperatures, but improves to become reasonable conductor, though not as good as for example copper, silver and gold at room temperature. If one refers to appendix B, the resistively chart shows how much more of an efficient conductor gold is in comparison to carbon. This means it is easier for electrons to carry charge through gold than carbon. Carbon has a unique structure, which allows electrical energy to be conducted. There are several types of carbon: carbon 60, graphite and diamond. Carbon exists in these different structures because it has allotropes. Due to its covalent structure carbon can form different allotropes, because of the way the electron orbits join. This applies to carbon in the form of graphite. Carbon in the form of diamond is an electrical insulator. This is because it does not have any loosely held electrons. The structures of carbon look like:

However, graphite is bonded in a different way. The electrons orbit in a figure of 8. Electrons spend only half their time on each side of the atom. There is a “loose” bond between layers thus allowing electrons freedom to move. By consulting the full Periodic Table (Appendix A) you can see that carbon is very close to the semi metals, meaning it possesses some of their unique properties. My statement that carbon is a semi conductor was confirmed by the fact that carbon is listed as a semi conductor in Appendix B.



Graphite is able to conduct electricity because it has free electrons that can move, thus it can carry charge. The carbon structure that I will be experimented on is graphite. Pencils contain graphite, thus I could draw a carbon track on a  piece of card using this tool.

It is important to learn about the resistance of carbon, as a carbon block is used for example in electrolysis in the extraction of aluminum from its ore bauxite. Scientists need to know whether the block needs to be thin and long or wide and short, as it is preferable for the resistance to be lower. It is also useful to know about the resistance of carbon to understand the principles of a potentiometer (a resistance producing piece of apparatus).

In previous experiments I have looked at the electrical resistance of different types of metal including copper and constantine. I have found that the resistance depends on both the length and diameter of the wire. It may be the case that graphite in the form of a track on a piece of card will behave a similar fashion.




I think that

The longer the graphite track the more resistance there will be

This is because the electrons will have to pass through more graphite track and therefore experience more collisions.

If the graphite is of constant width and thickness and if the graphite is of uniform density (the atoms are spread out evenly in the track)

The resistance will be proportional to the length.

When electrons are pushed into a conductor, in order for them to pass through, they will have to pass several atoms. The electrons will continuously bump into the atoms. This then causes friction, which in turn creates thermal energy. As a result the wire becomes warm.

Because the electrons have got further to travel, the longer the carbon track the more atoms there will be.  The electrons will bump into more atoms, (slowing them down) and creating more resistance and greater heating.

A long carbon track acts in exactly the same way as a number of resistors in series. The total resistance can be added up to work out the total resistance:

RT = R1+ R2+ R3

I also predict that

the resistance will be inversely proportional to the width.

This is not because there is more the room for the electrons to pass through. The analogy of a supermarket can explain my prediction. If there are two queues to the check out, it will take along time. However, if another two checkouts are opened then the time taken to check out will be halved as there are double the check outs. The following equation shows why, if the width is doubled the resistance will be halved.

        R1 = V                  ………………….. 1


        R2 = V                 …………………..  2


Rearranging equation 1 we have:

        V  = R1 I             ………………….. 1a


And substituting V into equation 2 we get:

        R2 = R1I


Cancelling the Is we get:

        R2 = R1


Or R2  is half of R1


This is part of a more general formula for finding resistance of uniform materials.   The resistance of a ‘volume’ of carbon track can be worked out using this method

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        ρ = RA 



ρ =  resistivity of the material.  It is the measure of the resistance for a unit length and cross sectional area of the material and has the units.

R =  

A =  

L =  


Having a wider piece of carbon track or metal wire is like having several pieces of wire in parallel. This is because when a circuit is in parallel the potential difference remains the same. Therefore an equation can be formed for the resistance, having cancelled ...

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