Find out how the thickness of a wire affects the resistance.

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Title Electrical Resistance

The aim of this investigation is to find out how the thickness of a wire affects the resistance.

Background Knowledge

Structure of a metal:

A metal consists of a huge structure of atoms, which have released their electrons from their outer shell to form a ‘sea’ of electrons. Releasing the electrons causes the atoms to become positively charged ions. This leaves the metal atoms surrounded by a ‘cloud of electrons’. A metal item is like one big atom with many nucleii but only one electron cloud. Instead of the atoms having their own electrons, the outer electrons of each metal atom leave the individual atoms and create a sea of free electrons throughout the metal. This allows the outer electrons of each atom to move freely as they orbit among all the atoms as a whole. The sea of electrons is there merely to hold the ions together, however if a potential difference is applied to the metal, these electrons are free to move.

When these free electrons move around, an electric current is produced. In other words, an electric current in a metal is made up of electrons

supplied by metal atoms. A current is not ‘injected’ into the metal from outside. Instead electric fields caused by the power supply cause the wandering electrons to begin flowing. The power supply is not the source of the electrons. It is simply the electron pump. The electrical force form the power supply or battery keeps on trying to make the electrons flow along, but the collisions with other electrons keeps deflecting them, hence slowing down the overall flow.

So, the voltage is trying to push the current round, and the resistance is opposing this, so the size of the current will be determined by the size of the voltage and resistance. The balance is the higher the voltage, the bigger the current, and the more the resistance, the smaller the current.

Collisions between flowing electrons and other electrons are what make the metal go hot during electric current. Heat energy in metals are stored as wiggling electrons. So speeding up the electrons heats up the metal. This is because if you try to force the electrons to flow along, at first they will speed up. But then the will be deflected by the non f lowing electrons that are ‘orbiting’ the atoms that are not moving, and therefore the flowing electrons will slow down. This will cause the non f lowing electrons to speed up, but they do not move in the direction of the electric current. They actually move about in all directions with rio average drift. This shows that speeding up the electrons does not push them in the direction in which the current is travelling at, Instead, it makes the crowd of electrons wiggle faster, leading to the metal heating up, with no overall electric current.

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That’s where Ohm’s Law comes from. Ohm’s Law says that electric current is directly proportional to the voltage difference, but there’s a simpler way to say it: the harder you push, the faster it flows.

Resistance is a measure of how hard it is to move the electrons through the wire. The resistance in a circuit is anything that slows down the flow of the current. The voltage (potential difference) is what pushes the current round, and the current is the flow of electrons round the circuit.

There is a link between all three; the voltage is the force which ...

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