Find out if doubling the concentration and the temperature will double the reaction rate.

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The aim of this experiment is to find out if doubling the concentration and the temperature will double the reaction rate. Different factors affect reaction rate between Marble chips (CaCO3) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) when it takes place to produce Calcium Chloride and Water and Carbon dioxide. There are many factors effect the rate of this reaction such as the following:

1. Temperature
2. Concentration

The reaction that will take place is

Hydrochloric acid + Calcium Carbonate >======>Calcium Chloride + Water + Carbon dioxide

The equation for this reaction is:

 2HCl                    +CaCO3                 >======>CaCl2                     + H2O +  CO2

I predict that if the concentration of the HCl is doubled then the experiment will happen twice as fast. This is because twice as many HCl particles will be present than previously and there will be twice as much chance of the calcium carbonate chips colliding with the concentrated hydrochloric acid. Therefore when the concentration is double the time take for the reaction should be halved. Also when temperature double time of the reaction will halve because energy of collisions in the particles increases, this means that there are going to be more successful collisions.

1.2. Background

1.2.1        Collision theories: A reaction occurs when the molecules of two or more reactants collide into one another. Then the reaction takes place. If they have sufficient energy, after the collision and subsequent reaction has taken place, 'products' are produced. In the case of this experiment carbon dioxide is the product of the reaction between marble chips and Hydrochloric acid.

(Collision Theory Diagram)

1.2.2        Activation energy - The amount of energy needed for the reaction to be started. If there is enough energy then the reaction takes place and a product is formed, but if there isn't enough then no reaction takes place.

1.2.3        There are two possibilities for increasing the rate of reaction:

1. The activation energy is reduced so that there is a better chance of particles having enough energy to react. Reactants will need less energy to react.

2. The number and strength of collisions is increased so that the reaction can happen faster. If the particles have more energy then more particles will be able to react.

1.2.4      Factors that are affect reaction rate:

-        The activation energy for calcium chloride

-        Size of marble chip- dictates the surface area. The larger the surface area the more acid that will be in contact with the hydrochloric acid and able to react.

-        Concentration of hydrochloric acid-In a concentrated acid solution there are more acid particles so more collisions will take place.

-        Catalysts- by weakening bonds these increase the rate of reaction by lowering activation energy a catalyst I will not use it in my experiment.

-        Temperature- when the temperature is increased, the particles will have more energy, so they will move faster. This will result in the particles colliding more frequently and increasing the speed of the reaction.

2. Experiment Designs

2.1        If the concentration of the HCl is doubled then the reaction rate will doubled. This is because twice as many HCl particles will be present than previously and there will be twice as much chance of the calcium carbonate chips colliding with the concentrated hydrochloric acid. Therefore when the concentration is double the time take for the reaction should be halved. Also when temperature increases by two times, the time taken for the reaction should be halved because energy of collisions in the particles increases, this means that there are going to be more successful collisions.

2.2        I could do this experiment using two experimental approaches, I could simply do two temperature test and two concentrations as well, one double the other, or I will test a range of temperature and concentrations, graph concentration and temperature against time, and work out from graph what it takes to double reaction rate.

        I will choose the second option in case my hypothesis is incorrect. However,

        Concentration and temperature are tow of the variable that we can easy control in this experiment, as other variables such as pressure and surface area need a special tools and equipment which are not available. So we decided to test temperature and concentration for the test.

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2.3         In this experiment we will be testing two factors, concentration and temperature   of the chemical reaction. And we will be working out a conclusion for the affects of concentration and temperature on the reaction rate and the ability to double the reaction by doubling the concentration and the temperature.


2.4.1         List of Equipment:

  1. Calcium Carbonate (marble chips 24gm- 3gm for each single test)
  2. Hydrochloric acid CaCO3 (130 ml, different size for each test)
  1. Deionised water  (110 ml)
  1. Thermometer
  1. Weighing scales
  1. Beaker
  1. Stop watch

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