Find out the effect of concentration on the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid.

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Rate of Reaction


The RATE of a reaction is the SPEED at which a reaction happens. If a reaction has a low rate that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Some reactions take hundreds, maybe even thousands of years while other can happen in less than one second. The rate of reaction depends on the type of molecules, which are combining. 

There is another big idea with rates of reaction... COLLISION THEORY. The collision theory says that the more collisions in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will happen. So if there are a higher number of collisions in a system... More combinations of molecules will occur, the reaction will go faster, and the rate of that reaction will be higher.

Forces that change the speed of reactions: 
Reactions happen, no matter what. Chemicals are always combining or breaking down. Over and over again but not always at the same speed. There are a few things, which really affect the speed of the reaction and the number of collisions that can occur.


Increasing the temperature increases the speed of the reacting particles and faster particles collide more often than slow ones. The increase in the number of collisions leads to an increase in the collision frequency and rate of reaction.  Increasing the temperature also gives the particles more energy so that they collide with more violence. Energetic particles have a better chance of their collisions leading to a reaction.


In a higher concentration solution there are more particles to react therefore there are more collisions and a higher collision frequency. As a reaction depends on collisions happening, a higher collision frequency leads to a faster reaction rate. If we were doing a reaction with acid and we double the number of acid particles, we double the number of collisions and therefore are likely to double the reaction rate.


Pressure affects the rate of reaction especially when you look at gases. When you increase the pressure the molecules have less space to move around. That greater concentration makes them collide with each other more often. When you decrease the pressure molecules don't hit each other as much and there are fewer collisions. That lower pressure lowers the rate of reaction.

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Surface area

Surface area is controlled by the particle size of a solid.  A powder has a higher surface area than lumps and therefore a powder has more atoms or ions exposed on its surface in a position to react. More collisions take place between the ions or molecules in the surrounding liquid.  The collision frequency in increased and so is the rate of reaction. 


A catalyst is substance that alters the rate of reaction without being used up. Usually the reaction is speeded up. Catalysts are usually transition metals or transition metal compounds. An example of ...

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