Find out what affects the height of the rebound of a bouncing squash ball.

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                Jordan Hoose

Squash Balls Coursework


The aim of this experiment is to find out what affects the height of the rebound of a bouncing squash ball.

There are several potential variables that we could change; as there are several factors that affect the bounce of a squash ball. These factors are; the height that the ball is dropped from, the temperature of the ball, the mass of the ball and the surface area of the ball. The variable that I am going to change for my investigation will be the temperature of the ball.


I predict that as I increase the temperature of the ball the height of the rebound will increase.

The reason for this happening is because if a ball has a high temperature, the atoms vibrate more. When the ball hits the ground the vibrating particles push the other atoms within the ball in the opposite direction. This makes the ball bounce higher than it would if the atoms were not vibrating as much.

However, if a ball has a low temperature, the opposite happens. Because the particles inside the ball do not have much energy, they are less energetic, and so when the ball hits the ground, the particles push each other with little force; consequently the height of the bounce is smaller.

Despite this, I believe that, even when the ball is at 0°C, it will still bounce, if only slightly, because even when the particles inside the ball have little energy, they still have some energy, and therefore will still bounce a little bit.


Before I begin my main experiment, I am going to carry out a preliminary experiment, in order to make sure that the experiment that I am planning to carry out will be sufficient. I will set up the apparatus in the same way as I am going to for my main experiment. In this preliminary experiment, I am going to drop a ball at different temperatures at a drop of 1m. As the ball rebounds upwards, I will record the point at which the ball is highest. I will get the ball to the desired temperature by putting the ball in a beaker of water and heating it up using a Bunsen burner. When a lower, temperature is needed, I shall put a cube of ice in the water in order to gain the correct temperature.

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        Here are the results of my preliminary work:

These results are quite inconsistent; which shows that I will probably need to repeat each experiment more than once in order to obtain accurate results.

        The results of my preliminary experiment helped me to decide on what to write for my final method. I have decided that I will need to repeat each experiment three times in order to gain accurate results. I shall take an average of the three results and use these averages when drawing a graph.

        Here is how I am going to carry out my investigation:

  • Firstly, ...

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