Find out what effect altering the concentration of sucrose solution would have on the occurrence of osmosis in potato chips.

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An Experiment to Investigate Osmosis


To find out what effect altering the concentration of sucrose solution would have on the occurrence of osmosis in potato chips.


Osmosis is the net or overall movement of solvent molecules (often water) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane (often called selectively permeable or partially permeable membrane).

Substances often move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration by diffusion, the result of random particle movement.

In osmosis, two solutions are separated by a membrane that will only let the solvent particles pass through. This means that the solvent continues to move freely along a concentration gradient. However, the other substance involved (solute) cannot move freely because the particles are too large and cannot pass through the membrane. This means that although there is random movement of the solvent molecules in both directions across the membrane, there will be a net movement of solvent into the area where it is at the lowest concentration, in other words, into the solution containing the highest levels of solute.

Terms related to osmosis are:

Turgid and Flaccid. Turgid cells contain lots of water due to the diffusion through the vacuole. The cell becomes a lot firmer or even swells because it has taken in so much water, the cytoplasm and cell membrane push up against the cell wall. These types of cells have a rigid firm structure so it is difficult to burst from the pressure.  

Flaccid cells have lost too much water due to osmosis. The vacuole shrinks so the cytoplasm and cell membrane come away from the cell wall. This causes the plant to loose its turgidity or firmness so it wilts, these cells are plasmolysed. Other terms are: Isotonic is when two concentrations are balanced.

Hypertonic is when one concentration is higher than the other.

Hypotonic is when one concentration is lower than the other.

If two solutions are isotonic, osmosis is taking place but there is no net movement.  Net movement is when the same amount of molecules diffuses into each solution but they remain at the same concentration.


                                                   ISOTONIC OSMOSIS

Osmosis is the way in which many living organisms, especially plants, absorb water. There will be six variable factors affecting osmosis in my experiment, which are:

What Affects the Rate of Osmosis?

  • Temperature and Humidity - can affect the rate of osmosis this is because if more evaporation were to take place due to high temperature thus leaving less water for the plant.

  • Pressure - can affect the rate of osmosis this is because if there is a high amount of force acting on the lower concentration part of the plant then there will be more water molecules then there will be more water molecules entering the higher concentration part of the plant.
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  • Concentration - affects osmosis because, different concentrations of solute molecules leads to different concentrations of  molecules on either side of the membrane. On the side of the membrane with higher free water concentration (i.e. a lower concentration of solute), more water molecules will strike the pores in the membrane in a given interval of time. More strikes equates to more molecules passing through the pores, which in turn results in net diffusion of water from the compartment with high concentration of free water to that with low concentration of free water.

  • Type of Potato - affects ...

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