Find out what the rate of reaction is for sodium thiosulphate in hydrochloric acid.

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Year 10 Chemistry Coursework


   In this experiment I will find out what the rate of reaction is for sodium thiosulphate in hydrochloric acid.

The Collision Theory

When two particles collide and exchange or transfer energy.  The speed at which they collide and whether they collide the right way round (orientation of the collision) effects the reaction and the speed of the reaction.

This diagram shows the collision theory. It shows the need for the particles to collide with the correct orientation as in collision 1 on the diagram.



  In this experiment I will add different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate of the amount 5ml to 5ml of hydrochloric acid and time the time it takes for the mixture to be opaque enough that it cannot be seen through. To test this the mixture will be in a glass beaker, which is on top of a small piece of laminated cardboard with a bold cross on it. I will start the timer as soon as I add the sodium thiosulphate to the hydrochloric acid and stop the timer as soon as I can no longer see the cross underneath the beaker. I will have hydrochloric acid as the constant variable and the concentration of sodium thiosulphate as the varied variable. I will add different amounts of water to sodium thiosulphate but keeping the amount at 5ml. E.g. 4ml sodium thiosulphate with 1ml water.

Preliminary work

When testing 5ml of sodium thiosulphate with 5ml of hydrochloric acid there was no reaction as there was too little of the mixture. I then tried the experiment with 10ml of hydrochloric acid and 10ml of sodium thiosulphate and a reaction took place with the cross not being visible after 69 seconds. I have therefore decided to change the amounts of hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate to 10ml each so the total mixture will be 20ml.

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I will use 10ml hydrochloric acid as my constant variable and I will test the rate of reaction with 10ml sodium thiosulphate, then 9ml sodium thiosulphate and 1ml water, then 8ml sodium thiosulphate and 2 ml water and so on until I get to 5ml sodium thiosulphate and 5ml water. I will test each different concentration 3 times so I can get a more accurate average.


I predict that the more water there is the slower the experiment will be as there is less sodium thiosulphate in the mixture to react with the hydrochloric acid. Therefore ...

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