Find out which is the best material for keeping hot water warm?

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Science Coursework

Which of these materials would keep hot water tank warm, bubble wrap, cloth, paper and lagging?


To find out which is the best material for keeping hot water warm?


Scientific theory

There are 3 ways in which heat energy transfers and they are conduction, convection and radiation.

Conduction is when heat is transferred from a hot material to a much cooler part. For an example when you use a metal saucepan the handle will be cool to begin with but then gradually starts to warm up this is because heat energy from the pan is transferred along the metal handle of the saucepan, this is called Conduction. A conductor is a material which allows heat to move much more easily. If a material is a good heat conductor it will run more freely through hot parts to cooler parts.

Convection of heat occurs only in fluids i.e. liquids and gasses. Convection is the flow of heat through a fluid from places of higher temperature to lower temperature by movement of the fluid itself.

Radiation is the flow of heat from one place to another by means of electromagnetic waves. Radiation can travel through a vacuum e.g. the Sun's radiation traveling through free space (practically a vacuum) to reach us here on Earth. No medium is needed to carry radiation.

How do we keep warm?

Air is a gas and gas is a good insulator. Air is used in nature and made materials to provide insulators. For example duvets at night keeps us warm because it traps all the air between the fibres so the air cannot travel. We can show that convection happens in liquids using colour in water. I you drop a crystal of potassium permanganate through a straw through a beaker it will slowly dissolve and spread through the beaker to make the water a purple colour. If the beaker is then heated the water will gently rise to the top. If the heating continues the coloured water rises to the top and spread across the top. The particles move closer together and then becomes dense this is called a convection current.

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On the basis of my research, I predict that if you put cloth material in the beaker it will be the best insulator because the more air pockets it has the better it is for the heat to become trapped. Also as cloth has a big surface they would not be many particles hitting each other. I will also use a lid to cover the beaker so when the heat rises the lid will protect it from going out.


  1. Insulate the beakers.
  2. Measure 200cm of boiling water.
  3. Put 100 ...

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