Find the effect of changing the concentration and the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate solution and Hydrochloric acid.

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Chemistry Investigation

An Investigation to find the effect of changing the concentration and the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate solution and Hydrochloric acid.


        The aim of this investigation is to determine the effect of changing the concentration sodium thiosulphate on the rate of reaction between Sodium thiosulphate solution and hydrochloric acid.

Scientific Knowledge:

        Reactions can go at all sorts of rates and one of the slowest rates of reactions is rusting of iron. One of the fastest rates of reactions is an explosion when the rate is a fraction of a second. In our lives, we occasionally want to alter the rate of reaction. When we put milk into the refrigerator, we are slowing down the rate at which the milk turns sour.

        Industrial chemists want to speed up reactions to lower costs and environmental chemists want to slow down reactions that can damage the earth.

        The rate of reaction is the rate of loss of a reactant or rate of formation of a product during a chemical reaction. Many factors can affect the rate of reaction. The important ones are as follows:

  • Temperature.
  • Pressure.
  • Concentration.
  • Light.
  • Surface Area.
  • Catalysts.

It is a known fact that most reactions go faster at a higher temperature. This is due to the fact that, the reacting particles have more energy and move faster. The particles are much likely to bump into one another with enough energy in them to cause a reaction. Whereas, in colder temperatures all chemical reactions are slowed down. This is due to the particles having closer attractions together and there are fewer collisions between them. This is one of the main reasons that a refrigerator is used to preserve food.

It is very important to control the temperature in this experiment. The sodium thiosulphate and the hydrochloric acid will be kept at room temperature. But the particles collide more when the temperature is higher. But we will keep the temperature constant and will not change it. When the temperature is being varied a water bath will be used to heat up the sodium thiosulphate and the hydrochloric acid to the necessary temperature.

The particles in a gas have no force of attraction between them. They are free to move around but they travel in straight lines and they only move in a different direction when they collide. But if the pressure is raised, the particles are bought closer together and are more likely to bump into each other and cause a reaction.

The higher the concentration of the solution, the faster the rate of reaction. But the lower the concentration of the solution then the slower the rate of the reaction. For instance, if you wanted to dye some material quickly, you should make the dye solution very concentrated. As there are more particles to collide with the material, a reaction is caused. Whereas, dye solution that has a weaker concentration only contains a few dye particles and would cause a slow rate of reaction. One Molar concentration is slower reacting in reactions than two molar substances. The double the concentration of sodium thiosulphate then, the double the rate of reaction.

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Another factor that affects rate of reaction is light. Light gives the reacting molecules more energy to move around. So sunlight or a good light source is needed to speed up the rate of reaction.

Another factor that affects the rate of a reaction is the surface area. The surface area of a solid is the amount of surface area on the outside. The larger the surface area the quicker the rate of reaction.

The last main factor that affects the rate of reaction is catalysts. A catalyst works by providing a substitute reaction path that has lower activation energy. ...

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