Find the length of wire needed to have a resistance of 10 Ohms

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Experiment to find the length of a piece of wire needed to create a resistance of 10 Ohms (Ω)

The aim of this investigation is to find the length of wire needed to have a resistance of 10 Ω.  

Electricity is the flow of electrons within a circuit. In current electricity negative charges are made. Resistance is anything that hinders movement. The definition of resistance is; ‘Property of an electrical conductor that limits how easily an electrical current flows through it. Measured in ohms (Ω).’

The resistance of the conductor is higher when the conductor is thinner and longer, the resistance is lower when the conductor is shorter or wider in diameter.


This is because of the particles in the material of the wire/ conductor and how the material moves around them,


Low Resistance

In the thicker wire the particles are a lot more spaced out so it is easier for the electric current to move around the particles- if the particles collide kinetic energy is transferred to the particles causing an increase in heat.  

High Resistance

In the thinner wire the particles are a lot closer together so that the movement of the current is hindered.

Other factors, which may affect the resistance, are;

        The material of the conductor (wire)

        Temperature (heating of the wire)

        The length and diameter of the conductor (wire)



  • 3V Power Pack
  • 1m ruler with wire cello taped from each end (leaving enough for the wire to be attached to)
  • Wire
  • Ammeter
  • Voltmeter
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I predict that the resistance will increase as the length of wire increases. The longer or  thinner the wire is, the higher the resistance. This is because in the thinner/ longer wire the particles are a lot closer together so that the movement of the current is hindered.

I will record my results on a graph and will look to see if my results are proportional. I predict that my graph will ...

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