Find the rate of reaction between the sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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Rates of reaction

Aim: To find the rate of reaction between the sodium thiosulphate and                                 hydrochloric acid.




A reaction takes place when two substances are chemically combined. The rate of a reaction tells us how quickly a reaction happens. It is important for people in the industry to know how fast a reaction goes. They have to know exactly how much of their product they have to make each hour day or week. We can find a rate of a reaction by actually doing the experiments.

          During a reaction we can measure how much reactant is used up in a certain time. On the other hand we might choose to measure how much product is formed in a certain time. Reactions can be fast or they can be slow. Rapid chemical reactions for example are explosions, fireworks, lightening a match, etc. In fact most combustion reactions last only a few seconds. Slow reactions on the other hand are like copper roof reacting in air which takes many years, rusting will take a few months depending on the size of the object.

        Some chemical reactions give out heat energy; such reactions are called exothermic e.g. in bond forming of magnesium oxide.

In other reactions heat energy is taken in or supplied, such reactions are called endothermic reactions.

The supplied energy breaks the existing bonds. All reactions require a minimum amount of energy which is needed by reacting particles for the reactions to occur is known as activation energy.


Reactions rates are explained by the collision theory. This explains that the rate of a reaction simply depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. Therefore the rate of a reaction depends on four factors which will increase the number of collisions between the reacting particles.

They are as follows:

        Temperature increases the number of collisions. When the temperature is increased the particles gain heat energy and therefore will move quicker which means they have more collisions with sufficient energy thus increasing the rate of reaction.

        Concentration increases the number of collisions. If the solution is made more concentrated it means that there are more particles of the reactant knocking about between the water molecules which make the collisions between the important particles more likely. In gas, increasing the pressure means the molecules are more squashed up together so there are going to be more collisions with sufficient energy.

        Surface area increases the number of collisions. If one of the reactants

 is a solid then breaking it up into smaller pieces will increase its surface area. This means the particles around it in the solution will have more area to work on so there’ll be more useful collisions. There will be more particles with sufficient energy for the reaction to take place.  

        Catalyst increases the number of collisions. A catalyst works by giving the reacting particle a surface area to stick to where they can bump into each other. This obviously increases the number of collisions too. Therefore the rate of reaction is increased. Activation energy represents the minimum energy needed by reacting particles for the reactions easier and therefore quicker by reducing the initial energy needed. The overall energy change for the reaction,      H, remains the same.

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Having done some background information on rates of reaction, the prediction is that when the reactants are concentrated the particles are crowded and close together and will bash or collide with each other more frequently. This will give an increase number of collisions with sufficient energy, making the rates of reaction go quicker and therefore taking less time.

Based on this knowledge it can be predicted that when the sodium thiosulphate is not diluted at all when it reacts with hydrochloric acid, the rate of reaction will ...

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