Find the viscosity of water using a rigid glass tube (capillary). By further calculations, to find whether the flow of liquid is laminar or turbulent.

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Physics Assignment 2                

Part 1 – Fluid Dynamics and Pressure Measurement


The aim of the investigation is to find the viscosity of water using a rigid glass tube (capillary). By further calculations, to find whether the flow of liquid is laminar or turbulent.


Apparatus                         Uncertainty




Rubber tubing

Rigid glass tube (capillary)


Travelling Microscope           +/- 0.0005cm

Measuring Cylinder                 +/- 0.5cm3

Stop watch                         +/- 0.005s

Ruler                                 +/- 0.05cm

2 x Clamp stand


The apparatus was set up as shown above. The length of the glass tube was taken and recorded, this was to stay constant. The height of the glass tube from the desk was measured as was the marker of water level on the funnel from the desk. The water was then poured into the funnel up to the marker point using the beaker and allowed to pass through into the basin. This was kept constant by a member of group who poured water into the funnel. The rate at which the water passed through at this particular height was measured. This was carried out by a member collecting water in the measuring cylinder, while another started the stop clock instantly. The clock was stopped as soon as the water reached 25 cm3 in the measuring cylinder. The volume here was kept constant, so that there were fewer errors in calculations. This was then repeated for another nine times, with varying heights of the water level on the funnel.  


Table 1: Results obtained in the experiment.


Change in Pressure, ΔP

The height (h) of the water from the funnel to the glass capillary was measured. This is firstly used in calculating the pressure change through the system of the apparatus. The density (ρ) of water is required as is the gravitational force.

h = height of water to capillary = 51.9cm = 0.519m

ρ = density of water = 1000 kg m-3

g = gravitational force = 9.81 ms-2

   ΔP         = hρg

             = 0.519 x 1000 x 9.81

        = 5091.39Pa

This calculates to be the overall pressure, as the atmospheric pressure is discarded in the calculation. This is due to the fact that there is atmospheric pressure at the funnel, where the water is entered and there is the same pressure at the end of the glass capillary, thus they cancel out.

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Flow Rate, Q

This was then measured by allowing a cylinder of volume 25ml, to be filled in a certain time. The time was collected using the stop watch. By converting the volume to cubic metres and dividing this by the time in seconds, the flow rate is calculated.

Q        = volume 


        = 25/ 1000000


        = 9.6413 x 10-7 m3s-1

Viscosity, η

This can be calculated using Poiseuille’s Law, which concerns the stationary flow of incompressible uniform viscous liquid through a cylindrical tube with constant circular cross-section. It is defined by:


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