Finding the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction of magnesium ribbon with hydrochloric acid.

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AMDG                                             Aaron Mcloughlin                                                    14.01.02

Finding the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction of magnesium ribbon with hydrochloric acid.



The experiment I am carrying out, Is to find the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.


 Whilst using acids such as hydrochloric acid, which are corrosive, certain safety aspects should be taken. Safety goggles should be warned to protect eyes from acid. Also when the experiment is taking place, there should be no naked flames as I am using flammable material such as, Hydrogen, and, magnesium.

Also when using glass equipment, great care should be taken. Glass can shatter and cause serious injury. Therefore, care must be taken when handling to avoid shattered glass.


30cm3 hydrochloric acid

0.06g magnesium ribbon                                            

Measuring cylinder (50cm3)

Conical flask

Gas syringe (higher level of accuracy)

Electronic stopwatch (measures to 2 d.p)

Electronic balance (measures to 2 d.p)

Rubber bung

Burette (measures to 1 d.p)



Before the experiment began I prepared the varying concentration of hydrochloric acid. To prepare these I used an already prepared 2 mole acid and poured it into 4 beakers, measuring 100ml3. I then took 100ml3 of water and 100ml3 of acid and poured them into a beaker. This gave me exactly half the concentration giving me 1 mole. I did the same to the 1 mole solution, to give me 0.5 mole. To make 1.5 moles, I took the 2 mole solution and mixed it with the 1 mole solution in direct proportions. I will begin the experiment by firstly removing the bung, then placing the already prepared 30cm3 mole of acid as below into the conical flask, safety again in order not to lose any of the acid and cut down on experimental error. Then place 0.06g exactly of magnesium ribbon in to the conical flask, the strip should be carefully placed into the flask as not to cause the timer to be started before the strip is placed in the acid, this is to cut down on any error. Whilst doing this I will immediately place the bung on top of the conical flask starting the stopwatch in order not to lose any gas and keep a level of accuracy. The gas readings will be recorded from the meniscus as below in seconds until the readings remain to be the same for three consecutive readings, I will know this because no more gas will be produced and the gas syringe will no longer move. After this, the experiment will be restarted with the same clean equipment, to also cut down on any experimental error. The gas syringe will be reset to zero after each experiment.

The experiment will be repeated four times in order to improve the accuracy of my tests, cut down experimental error and anomalous results would be removed.

Concentrations, times and repetitions

These were chosen, as these were the estimated amount of time intervals that were needed to record a noticeable change each reading and number of times needed to gain an accurate average result

Fair testing

To create a fair test, exploring the effects of concentration, you must keep all other factors the same in order not to change the results. These include keeping the temperature, surface area, air pressure, and volume, mass, light and the same whilst not using any form of catalyst. This is called “controlling the variables” so that only one variable changes, “ the concentration of acid and I will also carry out the experiments with the same apparatus in the same way. This is because these factors could affect the rate of reaction and give anomalous results. The acid being used should be in excess to give a total reaction and not bring experiments to a premature finish.  In addition, the equipment should be cleaned after every experiment and reset as before. The gas syringe should be examined; this is to make sure it is reset after each experiment to the zero point. The experiment could also be unfair if the acid was to be spilt. The magnesium could be spilt and should have not been left in the sir for to long as it can react with oxygen to form magnesium oxide, this would cause a change in reaction rate. The equipment could not be airtight and gas escaped. These would bring about experimental error. In order to distinguish these errors, the experiment will be repeated four times.

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Preliminary work  

For the initial experiments I decided that I would use magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid to carry out a study on the rate of reaction. I used these reactants because I know that an alkaline earth metal plus acid produces hydrogen. Therefore to measure the rate of reaction of the effect of concentration, I would measure the rate at which hydrogen was produced. This is because it is easy to record the volume of gas per selected unit of time. To evaluate what concentrations, amount of acid, equipment and time period I would use, I ...

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