Finding the RMM of a group 2 carbonate.

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Finding the RMM of a group 2 carbonate.

Aim: -

The aim of this practical was to find the RMM of a group 2 carbonate, and to accurately guess the element from group 2 used.

Apparatus: -

Safety glasses Burette

Weighing bottle Burette funnel

Spatula Burette stand

3 x 250cm3 beakers White tile

Distilled water 3 x 250cm3 conical flasks

Stirring rod Hydrochloric acid

Volumetric flask Sodium Hydroxide

Filter funnel Methyl red indicator

Dropping pipette

Safety Precautions: -

Safety glasses were worn to prevent any substances entering the eye. Laboratory coats were also worn to prevent our clothes and skin, and hair was tied back so it did not interfere with our sight and experiment.

Method: -

The weighing bottle and lid were weighed, and recorded. The required amount in the range of 1.55-1.65g of the unknown group 2 carbonate was added to the weighing bottle, and the new weight recorded. 50.0cm3 of standard hydrochloric acid were pipetted into a 250.0cm3 volumetric flask, and a funnel added at the top of the flask. The substance in the weighing bottle was transferred into the funnel and the weighing bottle reweighed. When the solution stopped reacting, water was added to the solution to make it up to 250.0cm3 mark and then it was shaken to ensure the solution was fully mixed. A series of 25.0cm3 of the carbonate solution were titrated against standard sodium hydroxide solution using methyl red as an indicator.
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Results: -

Standard Solution

Molar Mass of compound A



Mass of empty weighing bottle and lid



Mass of bottle and contents before transfer, M1



Mass of bottle and contents after transfer, M2



Mass of compound A dissolved (M1-M2)



Actual concentration of hydrochloric acid used = 0.992moldm-3


Burette Readings


Trial 1


Trial 2


Trial 3


Actual concentration ...

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