Finite Oceans.

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Finite Oceans


Over a long period of time, us human have damaged and caused many severe problems to our mother earth. You might not have realized it, but the conditions of the earth are a lot worse than it was centuries ago. We are constantly creating all kind of synthetic chemicals or molecules that last forever. We don’t need lasting things because humans don’t last forever.

        Another problem that humans have caused is the creation organal halogens such as Morex (pesticide), DDT (insect repellant), and Agent Orange (herbicide). Disinfectants and bleachers are halogens that also cause problems.  Examples include: Florine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Adenine. All of these are very useful, but they have very dangerous side effects that affect many animals and humans. For example, a very powerful insect repellent called DDT was designed and created to kill annoying bugs. As these chemicals combine with the air molecules, they eventually go into oceans and seas around the world. When we eat the fish from the oceans, we are also consuming the chemicals that are in the water. Some chemicals may even cause genetic damage to our cells. These can be passed from generation to generation. Chemicals like DDT will remain on the earth forever. These “organal halogens” also mimic hormones. They can take over or replace existing hormones. If this happens, our hormones will tell our bodies to do wrong thing at the wrong time. Some of these dangerous pollutants were also spilled and drained to the ocean.

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        Over the past few years, we’ve tried to find the perfect solution for the problems we’ve caused. For example, instead of using synthetic molecules, we can use “starch products” as an alternative. These starch products are more environmentally friendly since they don’t last forever. They will eventually deteriorate. Starch products can also be put into composts where it will become a nutrient for the soil around it.

        The solution for the insect repellants would be to use other ways to repel insects without the use of chemicals. Using sprinklers or burning alcohol are alternate ways to get rid ...

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