Forces and Energy Transfer.

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Forces and Energy Transfer

  • Speed=distance/time
  • Average Speed = average of 2 different speeds
  • Velocity = speed in a particular direction of travel.
  • Acceleration = increase in speed from stationary or a speed to its desired speed.
  • Acceleration is rate of change of speed
  • A = Change in speed/time taken: Therefore
  • A = v-u/t
  • V = final velocity
  • U = beginning velocity
  • Or: V2 = U2 + 2AS
  • OR: S = ut+ ½ at2
  • UNITS: M/S/S, M/S2, MS-2

Average Speed Equation:

V+U/2 = S(distance)/T

  • Equations of Motion:
  • ,
  • Scalar quantities, = magnitude only
  • Eg, Mass, Speed, Time
  • Vector quantities = magnitude and direction
  • EG, Weight, Acceleration, displacement
  • In a distance time graph, gradient = speed
  • In a speed time graph, the area under the graph is the distance
  • Acceleration on a velocity time graph is the gradient

  • Measured in Newtons
  • Show 2 things:direction and magnitude
  • Resultant of 2+ forces = single force that is equivalent to the combination.
  • Forces make objects: accelerate, decelerate and change direction

  • Objects resist a change in velocity
  • Size of acceleration is different for different objects
  • Amount of accel depends also on MASS IE:
  • Force (n) = mass(kg) + acceleration (m/s/s)
  • N2l

  • Find Vertical and Horizontal component of vel
  • Vertically use EQNS of motion
  • 3. Horiz usE S = d/t


  • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  • For instance when you kcik a football, the football kicks you back as such
  • Why is it a bad idea to drive into a concrete post at 70 KPH?
  • According to Newtons 3rd law the block will apply the same force on the car as the car applies on the block. Except the block is probably buried in cement, so it would remain still but the car would continue, or try to continue, to go forward unless braking forces were applied, so the car would go straight into the block and the car would crumple.
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  • P=Mv
  • Momentum = Mass x Velocity
  • Units: Kgms-1
  • Mass is the same anywhere in the universe but weight is not.
  • W=mg when g = gravitational field strength
  • Overall stopping distance of a car depends on thinking distance and braking distance.

  • Most materials will change shape when a small force is applied to them but will return to their original shape when then force is released.
  • Materials which do this  = elastic
  • Not = plastic
  • If we apply a load to a spring tiw ill extend, more we apply more it ...

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