Fritz Haber was a German chemist whose conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia opened the way for the synthetic fertilizer industry. His study of the combustion of hydrocarbons led to the commercial cracking or fractional distillation of natural oil

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Fritz Haber was a German chemist whose conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia opened the way for the synthetic fertilizer industry. His study of the combustion of hydrocarbons led to the commercial cracking or fractional distillation of natural oil (petroleum) into its components (for example, diesel, gasoline, and paraffin). In electrochemistry, he was the first to demonstrate that oxidation and reduction take place at the electrodes; from this he developed a general electrochemical theory. At the outbreak of war, the German Army asked the Institute to investigate substitutes for explosive in shells, and poison gas was suggested. Haber, after watching early trials with gas shells, proposed releasing gas from cylinders. He became one of the principals in the German chemical warfare effort, devising weapons and gas masks, leading to protests against his Nobel Prize 1918. Fritz Haber invented the process used all over the world to make ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. He also devised gases for the World War effort on Germany’s behalf, such as chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas. He described the use of such gas as ‘a higher form of killing.’ im:The aim of this science investigation is to find out where the stomata are located, on the upper or lower epidermis of a leaf. Prediction:My prediction is that most of the stomata are found on the lower epidermis of a leaf. I have based this prediction on the function of
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stomata; to let gases in and out of the leaf i.e. to allow exchange of CO2 and O2 between the inside of the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere and to allow the escape of water vapour from the leaf. To reduce water loss the leaf has a waxy cuticle on the upper epidermis, which is waterproof, so the leaf uses the lower epidermis for gas exchange. Science about Stomata:Stomata are pores perforating the epidermis of the leaves and stem. They are usually most numerous in the lower epidermis of the leaf where there may be as many as 400 per ...

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