General periodicity.

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What is periodicity?

Periodicity is the study of the trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements and their compounds relative to their positions in the periodic table.

The periodic table has been developed over the last 150 years. The basic structure of the table is very closely related to our current understanding of the electronic structure of the elements. However, when the periodic table was first constructed (by Mendeleev, in the 1800’s ), the electronic structure of the elements had not been devised.

Instead, early forms of the periodic table relied on using the physical properties of the elements known at that time. It must have been a great revelation to the chemists from the early part of this century to realise that there really was such a strong correlation between chemical properties of the elements and their physical structure.

The periodic table.

An example of a periodic table is given below :

The elements in the columns down the periodic table form groups. The major groups are numbered but often the numbers are given as Roman numerals (the first group, the blue column in the above diagram, is referred to as group I etc).

Elements within the same group similar chemical properties but often show a systematic variation in extent or speed of reaction as the group is descended.

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For example all of the group one elements (the alkali metals) react vigorously with water to form water soluble alkalis with the subsequent production of hydrogen gas.

However, the speed of reaction increases down the group (lithium only reacts relatively slowly with water but francium and rubidium are explosive in the presence of water)

The rows across the periodic table are known as periods. The chemistry of the elements within each period will tend to change quite dramatically but we can still determine trends in some physical properties and the nature of some common reactions.

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