Handling Experiments,Observations and Data

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Handling Experimental observations and data.

Title: The no. of moles of water crystallization in a hydrated salt,

Aim: To determine the water of crystallization in the hydrated salt, copper sulphate.

Apparatus: electronic balance, crucible, tongs, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, tripod stand, pipe – clay triangle, spatula, .


To determine the number of moles of water of crystallization in a hydrated salt, a small amount of the hydrated salt is taken, heated gently and then heated strongly to remove the water of crystallization.


  1. Take a clean and dry beaker and weigh it out accurately in an electronic balance.

  1. Weigh out accurately 2.5 g of hydrated copper sulphate crystals in the crucible.
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  1. Heat the contents of the crucible gently at first and then strongly.

  1. Remove the crucible from the burner when all the water of crystallization is removed from the copper sulphate crystals.

  1. Allow the contents of the crucible to cool down.
  2. Weigh out the crucible with its contents again until a constant reading is obtained.

Table of Results


  • The beaker was not directly over the fire and the blue copper sulphate crystals at the bottom of the beaker begin to turn white.

  • In the space of ...

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Some minor punctuation errors in places with commas that are not needed. List of apparatus not ordered tidily. Minor grammatical errors seen in places. Otherwise spelling, grammar and punctuation mostly okay.

The candidate clearly states their aims and the method of the experiment well. They also include weights and the variables to be kept constant although it is not noted why this is. Table of results is consistent with decimal places. Observations are recorded accurately and succinctly. The workings out are clear and correct. The candidate could have pointed out more sources of error to show a greater understanding of their result. They suggest some improvements but not to a high level, they should include more detail. The conclusion was not really needed in this instance as it just stated things already said.

The response to the question is done well. The candidate outlines the experiment accurately and considers a variety of things that may have affected the experiment. To improve they should explain the science behind the experiment more such as the hydrogen bonding or have included chemical reactions to show their understanding.