Helicopter Investigation

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Contents Page

Aim....................................................................................................................................................................................Page 2

Prediction...................................................................................................................................................................Page 2/3

Equipment.......................................................................................................................................................................Page 3

Method........................................................................................................................................................................Page 3/4

Results Table............................................................................................................................................................Page 4/5

Workings out for Averages..................................................................................................................................Page 5/6

Graphs/Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................Page 6/7/8

Evaluation...................................................................................................................................................................Page 8/9

Bibliography..................................................................................................................................................................Page 10

Helicopter Investigation

Easily established, the sycamore tree produces sycamore seeds. These seeds are of an extremely strange looking seed, I say this because the seeds when in the air they spin like tiny helicopters. Due to the spinning they are kept in the air for a longer amount of time.


*In this investigation I have been asked to find out how long it takes for a paper helicopter to fall 2 metres. After doing this I shall investigate other ways of changing the timing of its landing.

I shall do this by using a range of variables. These include of:

  • Length of wings
  • Number of tails

*I have chosen to use the variable of the number of paperclips being added to the tail of the paper helicopter that I shall make.

I have chosen to change this variable because I know that gravitation is the effect of the gravitational force of attraction, which acts between all objects in the universe. For example it is widely noticed with massive objects like the planets. The planets remain in orbit because of gravitational force of attraction.

The gravitational force, which pulls the object downwards, is called the weight of the object.

Isaac Newton stated that there is a gravitational force of attraction between any two objects with mass, which depends on their masses, and the distance between them.

I think with this information I can easily say that by adding more and more paperclips on to the tail of the paper helicopter it will gain more weight which will cause the gravitational force to pull it downwards rather than upwards as there is a bigger mass pulling it downwards.

I also chose to use this variable instead of changing the length of the wings because I thought that it would have a much more affective difference in the timing of its landing.

*In this investigation in order to get the best results possible I shall be doing the experiment 5 times. This will give me a good range of results and a better result as I get a better view of the timing of how long it takes to land with different numbers of paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter.

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It is always essential to make every investigation of whatever type it is to make sure that it is going to be a fair test. In order to achieve this I shall only be changing one variable, which I have already established to be of the number of paperclips added to the tail of the paper helicopter.


In the investigation which I shall be doing I think that I will be expecting for the paper helicopter to fall to the ground in a much quicker timing when it has 5 paperclips attached to the tail of it, than it ...

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