How does concentration affect the rate of reaction?

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Selina Esscopri

How does concentration affect the rate of reaction?

In this piece of course work I will be investigating how the change in temperature will affect the rate of reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate with water and hydrochloric acid. The time will be recorded to see how long it takes for a pencil cross to disappear. The change in temperature will be observed as well as the reaction time with different temperatures. In my experiment I will alter the temperature but the concentration of sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid will be kept constant.

Sodium Thiosulphate+Hydrochloric acid---Sodium Chloride+water+Sulpherdioxide+Suulpher


Hydrochloric acid                Sodium Thiosulphate                Digital Thermometer

Distilled Water                        Paper with a cross                 Thermostatic Baths

Flask                                Measuring Cylinder

Stop Watch                        Pipette

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Fair Test

To make all experiments a fair test we used the same amount of Hydrochloric acid through out the experiment (5cm3). We also used the same piece of paper with a drawn cross. We also used the same stopwatch through out the experiments.


For this experiment I predict that if there is an increase in temperature, there will be an increase in the rate of reaction. Inn other words the hotter the temperature the faster the reaction. On the other hand if the temperature consists of a low degree then the reaction ...

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