How does Concentration Affect the Rate of Reaction.

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                James Taylor 11MA

How does Concentration Affect the Rate of Reaction


I aim to find out how concentration of a chemical affects its time of reaction. This experiment will be carried out simply by mixing Hydrochloric acid and different concentrations of Sodium Thiosulphate in a conical flask and watching it react by going cloudy and so the cross, which we will place underneath the flask is no longer visible. It becomes cloudy because the sulphur particles precipitate and come out of the solution.

        The equation for this reaction is:  

Na2S2O3 + 2HCL -> 2NaCL + H2O + SO2 + S

        Concentration is the amount of the solute dissolved in a given quantity of a solution. In my case both Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Thiosulphate are dissolved in water, which makes them easy to change the concentration. As I will be using both but only changing the concentration of one, I will change the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate, as we will be using it in larger amounts0 so it will be easier. Also Sodium Thiosulphate is the more reactive of the two so the experiment will not take long to complete.


In my experiment to find out how concentration affects the rate of reaction the variable I will be changing is the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate. I will be changing this concentration because, I found out when doing preliminary work that when there is a greater presence of sodium thiosulphate in the solution than hydrochloric acid the reaction takes place quicker. The variables that I plan to keep the same are the concentration of the hydrochloric acid, the temperature, as temperature can also affect rate of reaction. I also will be keeping the height and angle the person viewing is at the same because one person may have different eyesight to another and so the solution to them may appear to be opaque at a different time. So the person that will be continually watching the flask will view from 30cm above the flask. The conical flask used must also stay the same because if the base area is larger the substances will be thinner and so the cross underneath will take longer to disappear than if we used one with the same base area. I have to keep these variables the same to ensure a fair test.  

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The equipment I will be using in the experiment is as follows:

  • Conical Flask
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Sodium Thiosulphate
  • Paper with cross drawn on it
  • Stopwatch
  • Measuring Cylinder
  • Ruler
  • Safety Goggles


Preliminary Experiment:

Before starting these experiments we carried out preliminary experiments to find out which measurements would make the reaction between the two chemicals quicker. We basically did a smaller version of this experiment apart from using different amounts of hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate equalling 50ml until we found the quickest way of doing this experiment.


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