How does Concentration Affect the Speed (Rate) of Reaction.

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How does Concentration Affect the Speed (Rate) of Reaction

Planning experimental procedures


I am investigating into the speed of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution and hydrochloric acid and see how the different concentrations of the sodium solution will affect the rate of this reaction.  

The formula for this reaction is:

Hydrochloric acid particles collide with sodium thiosulphate particles.  The sodium and chloride atoms join to form sodium chloride, hydrogen from the hydrochloric acid is oxidised to form water and sulphur from the sulphate combines with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide with sulphur left as a precipitate.  

This sulphur is the yellowish substance that clouds the water, which we will be using as an indicator to stop the clock.    

    I think chemical reactions are caused due to the collisions of particles of the reactants.  When the particles have enough kinetic energy they collide forming products.  The energy required to be able to burst through the barrier for a reaction to take place, is known as the activation energy. 

The rate/speed at which these particles collide depend on various factors.  These are:

  • Surface area of the reactants
  • Concentration of the reactants
  • Temperature at which the reaction is being
  • Use of a catalyst carried out
  • Light

Surface area

The larger the surface area of the particles, the quicker the rate of reaction will be.  

In the reaction of limestone and hydrochloric acid, powdered limestone is used as opposed to large lumps of the limestone.  Powdered limestone has a larger surface area than lumps of limestone:

This is because there will be more calcium carbonate particles.  Therefore, there will be more collisions causing the reaction to be faster.

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The higher the temperature, the quicker the rate of reaction.

The particles of the reactants receive more thermal energy, which they can convert into kinetic energy.  This means they are able to move faster and therefore collide faster.


The more light there is the quicker the rate of reaction.

The particles of the reactants receive more light energy, which they can convert into kinetic energy.  This means they are able to move faster and therefore collide faster.

Some reactions only take place on the presence of light.


A catalyst is a substance that can alter the rate of ...

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