How does the concentration of glucose mass affect the mass of potato sticks?

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How does the concentration of glucose mass affect the mass of potato sticks?


For this investigation, I am going to investigate the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the net transfer of water, through a semi permeable membrane, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This continues until a point of equilibrium is reached, when equal amounts of water are coming in and out of the membrane, reaching a point of stalemate. This is a dynamic situation. I am going to investigate this reaction using potato sticks, which are left in a solution of glucose, to test whether the rate of osmosis changes with different concentrations of glucose, and to record the changes in mass of the potato sticks. The factor that I will be changing is the amount of glucose (g) present in the water solution.



In this experiment, I predict that the potato stick will decrease in mass when there is a higher concentration of glucose present. I predict this because when there is a higher concentration of glucose than the water surrounding it, osmosis will take place in the potato, causing the mass to decrease until it becomes flaccid. This is when the potato stick looks shrunken and soft in appearance, and no more water can be drawn out. I predict this because when the concentration of glucose is higher than water in the solution, osmosis will occur. This is because water is moving the water molecules are moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration in the potato stick, and water will be lost through the partially permeable cell membrane in the potato, and the water will be diffused into the solution of glucose. Therefore, the contents of the cell have shrunk and pulled away from the cell way, becoming plasmolysed.  This is when no more water can be extracted through a cell through osmosis.

   However, when the concentration of glucose is more diluted, the mass of the potato sticks will increase until it becomes turgid. I predict this because there is a greater concentration in the water than the glucose solution. Therefore, the water is moving from an area of high concentration, in the solution, to an area of low concentration in the potato stick. I predict that the potato stick will become swollen and hard, as the cell has absorbed a large amount of water, making the cells expand, until no more water can enter the cell.


In this experiment, I will have to be extremely careful and meticulous in the way I use the apparatus, so that I can obtain the most accurate results. To begin the investigation, I will cut ten potato sticks from a potato using a cork borer, and cut the skin off from either end. Each of these sticks will be roughly 5cm in length. I will then weigh each of these sticks and note down the original mass, intending to get all of the sticks to be approximately the same in mass. After I have done this, I intend to fill ten test tubes with 25ml of water. This will remain the same throughout the investigation. I will also add a varying amount of glucose powder into each of these test tubes. I will then place each of the ten potato sticks into the ten test tubes filled with water and glucose, which will have dissolved into the water. After roughly 24 hours, I will again measure the mass of the potato sticks, to see whether my initial prediction was correct, and to note down the affects of osmosis.

   I will need to be careful when doing this experiment. I will need to maintain that none of the glucose and water solution spills from the test tube, as this could result in an inaccurate experiment. I will wear safety goggles as well, as the investigation involves chemical reactions.

In this investigation, I will need to measure, observe and record a great deal of different results and figures. I am going to investigate the changes in the mass of ten potato sticks, with different amounts of glucose in 25 ml of water. For this experiment, I intend to use the concentrations of glucose of: 0g, 0.5g, 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 8g, 12g and 15g. Hopefully, these different concentrations will enable the most accurate results. I will measure the starting mass of the potato sticks, and the final mass once they have been in the water solution for a period of time. I will do this using a scale. I will record these results on paper, and this enables me to present the final data in a table and graph at the end of my experiment.

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The equipment that I intend on using for this experiment are:

  • Cork borer – This will enable me to cut the potato sticks from the potato.
  • Scale – This will enable me to record the starting and final mass of the potato sticks.
  • Test tubes – These ten test tubes will contain the 25ml of water and varying grams of glucose solution, to enter the potato sticks into.

To maintain that all results and evidence I collect during the experiment are accurate, I will ensure that I follow the same procedure every time I make an ...

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