How Does The Increase In The Length Of The Carbon Chain Affect The Energy Produced When Different Alcohol's Are Burnt.

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How Does The Increase In The Length Of The Carbon Chain Affect The Energy Produced When Different Alcohol’s Are Burnt

Sarah Robertson


How Does The Increase In The Length Of The Carbon Chain Affect The Energy Produced When Different Alcohol’s Are Burnt

Enthalpy change is the difference between the energy into a chemical reaction and the energy released in a chemical reaction.

Enthalpy Change = Energy In – Energy Out

An exothermic reaction is one where the total energy of the products is less than the total energy of the reactants. An endothermic reaction is one where the total energy of the products is greater than the total energy of the reactants.  Exothermic reactions give off heat energy and bonds are made in the reaction and endothermic reactions take in heat whilst the bonds are broken in the reaction.

The energy released from these types of energy changes come from the bonds within the reactants. The alcohols are made of carbon chains and the bigger the carbon chain the bigger the size of the flame and an increase in energy that is given out.

The factors which might affect the results collect could be,

  • Volume of water in calorimeter,
  • Distance between the flame and the calorimeter.
  • Temperature rise
  • Size of carbon chain.

The factor, which I will be investigating into, will be the size of the carbon chain. The other factors will be controlled to ensure the investigation remains a fair test. In the preliminary work, it was tested that 100cm³ of water was not enough water to cover the bottom of the thermometer but 300cm³ was too much and it took too long for that amount to rise a sufficiently. So 200cm³ was tested and it was decided that would be the most suitable amount to use. A range of heights was tested between the flame and the calorimeter but 5cm was decided to be most suitable. A range of rise in temperature was also tested to see what amount gave the best range of results. A rise of 30ºC was tested to be most suitable, giving a good range of results. The factors will remain constant throughout the experiment with 200cm³ of water being used in the calorimeter, a distance of 5cm between the flame and the base of the calorimeter and a rise in temperature of 30ºC.

My prediction for this experiment will be that the bigger the carbon chain the greater the amount of heat energy will be given out and the more exothermic the reaction will be. This is due to more energy being needed to make the bonds within the formed products.

The apparatus being used in this experiment will be;

*Heatproof mat,                 *Clamp stand,

*2 clamps,                         *Calorimeter,

*Thermometer,                 *Measuring cylinder,

*Safety goggles,                 *Weighing scales,

*Alcohol burner,                 *Water,

*Alcohols - Methanol,






The following sets of results were collected from my trailing experiments. The same method was followed for this experiment.


Actual heat combustion 2673 kj/mol

                           Test one.                Test two.

Mass of burner at start.   164.39                163.80

Mass of burner at end.    163.80                162.94

Mass of alcohol used.         0.59                    0.86

                          Average mass = 0.59 + 0.86 = 0.725

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Temperature at start.        20ºC                        24ºC

Temperature at end.        75ºC                        79ºC

Temperature rise.        55ºC                        55ºC

 Average rise,        55 + 55 = 55



Actual heat combustion 1370 kj/mol

                           Test one.                Test two.

Mass of burner at start.   274.82                246.83

Mass of burner at end.    246.83                245.53

Mass of alcohol used.         0.99                    1.3

                          Average mass = 0.99 + 1.3 = 1.145


Temperature at start.        22ºC                        22ºC

Temperature at end.        91ºC                        88ºC

Temperature rise.        69ºC                        66ºC

 Average rise,        69 + 66 = 67.5


Molecular masses, Butanol, 74 Ethanol, 46

Butanol heat given out = 20 * 4.2 * 55


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