How does the length of Magnesium affect the rate of reaction?

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Prasan Bhatt 10GK

How does the length of Magnesium affect the rate of reaction?

Input Variables – Magnesium strip

                                Hydrochloric acid

Outcome Variable - Release of hydrogen

I have chosen to investigate whether the difference in length of a Magnesium ribbon, would change the speed in which the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Magnesium takes. We will measure this by timing how long until the magnesium strip vanishes and there is no release of Hydrogen.

Aim: I am trying to find out whether the length of Magnesium causes any alterations in the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Magnesium. I will be measuring this by timing how long it takes for the magnesium to be no longer visible and there is no hydrogen released.

Prediction: I think that when Hydrochloric acid of the same volume come in to contact with Magnesium of different lengths of ribbon,, the rate if reaction for the longer strip would be far slower than the shorter one. I believe that this as the collision theory tells us that molecules collide which cause to react and merge to create a compound. This reaction varies in speed depending on the amount of molecules in the mixture and how much energy the molecules possess, which is why heated molecules react faster than normal ones. So with the amount of Hydrochloric acid staying relatively the same yet the number of Magnesium molecules increasing, the reaction will only take longer as the molecules have to collide even more for the reaction to be complete.

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Hypothesis: If my prediction is to be proven correct, then the time taken to react to the longest strip of Magnesium would take the longest and the short strip would take the least amount of time. We should also see from repeated attempts at this experiment, that the averages would also increase depending on the length of the Magnesium ribbon.

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Control Variables: I have chosen not change the volume of hydrochloric acid, and the width of acid will alter the amount and effectiveness of the acid, which will make the ...

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