How does the length of wire affect resistance?

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Elizabeth Stephens 11N

Physics Coursework

How does the length of wire affect resistance?


To find out how changing the length of wire will affect the level of resistance when current flows through it.

What is Resistance?

Current is a flow of electrons. As they travel down a wire there is a force acting against them, this is Resistance. Resistance is caused by two factors


. Positive nuclei in the wire. The positive nuclei attract the negative electrons and deflect them from travelling in a straight line. This means the electrons travel a much larger distance to go the same length through the wire and take longer.

2. The vibration of the positive nuclei in the wire. The positive nuclei vibrate at any temperature above absolute zero. The vibrations mean the nuclei move around and this causes more frequent deflections. This makes the journey of the electrons slower.

The longer the wire, the higher the resistance because there are more nuclei in the way.

The higher the temperature the higher the resistance because the nuclei have the energy to vibrate more and therefore cause more deflections.

The larger the cross section of the wire the lower the resistance because more electrons can pass through the wire in the same amount of time.

What is Resistivity?

Resistivity is a way of measuring the resistance in a material. To find the resistivity you have to find the resistance of the material in a length of 1m and cross section of 1m2. This means you can compare the resistivity of different materials to clearly see which has the highest resistance per metre of length.

For this experiment I shall be using Constantan wire which has a resistivity of 4.9 x 10-7 ?m


* Temperature, resistance increases with higher temperatures.

* Resistivity, different materials have different resistivities
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* Length, resistance increases as length increases

* Cross sectional area, resistance decreases as cross section increases

Fair Test

To make this into a fair test the temperature of the wire, the material the wire is made of and therefore the resistivity and the cross sectional area of the wire have to remain constant. To control the temperature of the wire I have to use a small current and keep the current turned on for as little time as possible.


I predict that as the wire length increases, the resistance will ...

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