How does the power dissipated by a light bulb vary with voltage?

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How does the power dissipated by a light bulb vary with voltage?



For my experiment, I am going to investigate how the power dissipated by a light bulb varies with voltage. To find this out, I will need to do an experiment to test this out and repeat it another two times.

Meaning of terms

Current – Current is the flow of electric charge. An ammeter measures current in a circuit.

Voltage – Voltage is the potential difference between two points in a circuit is the electrical energy gained or lost by 1 coulomb of charge. A voltmeter measures voltage between two points in a circuit.

Resistance – If a component has resistance, it changes some of the electrical energy passing through it into another form of energy. A rheostat can increase or decrease its own resistance so in that way I can control the amount of voltage across the light bulb whilst doing the experiment.


I think that as the voltage across a light bulb increases, the power dissipated by the light bulb also increases but at a greater rate. This is because as the voltage increases, the current also increases. This is because if the current is the amount of electrons flowing through a circuit at any point in a circuit and if the voltage increases then the current must increase as the electrons flowing through that point are flowing faster. Therefore, as the voltage increases, the current also increases because P = I.V and if both the current and the voltage increase, then the power also increases but at a greater rate.


This is what I think my two graphs will look like:

P/W                                                  P/W

             Voltage/V                           Voltage2/V2

1. The first graph will look like this because as the voltage increases, the current also increases. As they both increase, the power increases by a greater amount each time so the graph will have a curved line.

2. The second graph will look like this because as the power and voltage2 are proportional. This is shown by the equation P = V2/R. If the resistance of the light bulb remains constant, power and voltage2 increase proportionally.

Preliminary Measurements

These are my results from my preliminary experiment. I set up the experiment like I would do for the actual experiment. I wanted to find out what voltage I could reach. Because of the experiment, I have decided to start my measurements of current at 0.5V and end it at 6V. While doing the experiment, I first set the voltage to the lowest I could get to, and then to the highest.



To make the experiment fair, I will use the same light bulb every time I repeat the experiment. This will ensure that the test is fairer because if I use different bulbs, then they could have different resistances. For example, if I use another light bulb, then the tungsten may be longer and so the electrons will have to flow along a longer distance, thus losing more energy, so the voltage measurement will decrease, thus causing a decrease in the power measurements, and the results will vary more which means there will be more chance of having an anomalous result..

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Controlled – I would like to control the temperature of the light bulb but I cannot because there is no easy way of cooling it down and keeping the same temperature. This will mean that the resistance of the light bulb may increase.

Independent – I will set the voltage passing through the circuit by changing the resistance of the rheostat. I will measure the voltage using a voltmeter, connected in parallel through the light bulb.

Dependant – My dependant variable will be the current passing through the circuit. I will find out the current by using an ammeter.

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The student has made very few spelling or grammar mistakes and uses the scientific terms whenever appropriate. He has also laid out their essay very well, ending with a conclusion that links with their prediction and explains why the prediction is not entirely the same as the conclusion, I find that this helps make the essay seem more professional and help you learn your theory better.

The student has gone in-depth and has planned his experiment in advance. I think this is a very good idea and can help you from making mistakes in the experiment; it's a lot better to plan how to set up the experiment before you do it, than wasting time trying to figure out how to set it up when you could be doing the experiment. The student has done some preliminary measurements to see how high the values can go so they can make a neat table, it might seem like doing extra measurements would take up more time, but I find this can really speed things up as you won't end up making a table with more measurements than you could actually do, leaving you with a neater table and a table that is faster to make. He also makes sure to keep his control variables the same throughout the experiment, and tries their best to make sure only the independent variable is changed as they are meant to. They also understand how to plot a graph and understand how to figure out how these graphs relate to equations.

This essay is very good, going very in-depth and explaining points clearly to the reader. There is very little that can be improved in this essay. The student has answered the question of 'How does the power dissipated by a light bulb vary with voltage?' well, making a prediction from the theory they have learnt and plotting graphs they predict to occur by using their knowledge of equations for power. They have then found that their results largely support their prediction from the knowledge of their theory. They have then thought about why their results do not entirely coincide with their theory, using more theory to figure out that the resistance must of increased as the wire heated up. This is a very good idea, and I would always recommended thinking of why your results do not entirely fit your theory as it could end up being something fairly simple, and will help enhance your understanding.