How does the resistance of a wire depend on the length?

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David Scott                     Physics Coursework              2003

How does the resistance of a wire depend on the length?

Background Knowledge:

An electric current is the flow of charge that is measured in Amperes using an Ammeter. Current in a metal is due to the flow of electrons that are repelled from the negative terminal and flow towards the positive terminal. The terminals are made positive and negative because of the chemicals in the battery. The nichrome wire that the electrons have to pass through is made of atoms. Each of these atoms consists of a nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons. In a metal the atoms are held tightly to the nucleus. Some of the outer electrons are called ‘free electrons’ because they can be knocked out of place easily. When a free electron leaves an atom, the atom becomes an ‘ion’ because the charge is not equal. Ions that are left are vibrating in a fixed place, this is called a lattice. Free electrons have to pass through a lattice.

The temperature of the wire would increase if the current was high so when I do the experiment I must keep it low.

If I double the length of the wire then I will be doubling the amount of resistance. This is because the free electrons are pushed around the circuit because there is an electric field in the nichrome wire. The battery sets up this electric field from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. If the electric field goes through a short wire then it will be strong and it will push the free electrons with a big force and so a lot of electrons will go through the short wire. If the wire is twice as long then the electric field will be half as strong as the shorter wire ,hence there will only be half the force pushing the free electrons and so half the current. In fact I will have doubled the resistance.

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The structure of an atom


Dependant- Resistance of the wire

Independent- Length of the wire

Control- Temperature, material of wire, Cross-sectional area of the wire

I need to keep the temperature constant because if it was to increase then the resistance would increase so I must keep the current low.

I need to keep the material of the wire the same because each metal has a different resistance so I must use the same type of wire each time- I am going to use Nichrome wire from the same reel to ensure this.


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