How does the volume of water effect how quickly sugar dissolves in it?

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How does the volume of water effect

how quickly sugar dissolves in it?

In order to answer the above question I must conduct an experiment using the following equipment

  • Beaker – To Hold the eventual solution
  • Thermometer – To Track Temperature
  • Top Pan Balance –Measure amount of sugar
  • Spatula- Move Sugar from Bag to top pan balance
  • Sugar – This is the solute
  • Water – This is the solvent
  • Measuring Cylinder – Used to measure volume of water
  • Stopwatch – Used to take time readings of solute and solvent forming a solution.
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Measure out a volume of water using the measuring cylinder then pour the specified amount into a beaker

Measure out a weight of sugar using top pan balance

Combine the water and sugar in the beaker and start stopwatch

Watch the temperature using the thermometer making sure it stays constant

Record the results into a table and plot a graph with the eventual results

When Above is complete start the experiment again to confirm the results you have are correct and to make sure it is a fair test. I will ...

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