How does the weight of a pendulum effect its oscillation time.

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Liam Kelly

How does the weight of a pendulum effect its oscillation time


The key factors that could affect this experiment are that the length of pendulum varying will change how far it has to swing to complete an oscillation.

The weight of the pendulum will have a effect on the oscillation time because the pendulum will have more weights which will increase the surface area for air resistance to take place this is the only possible way the weight of the pendulum will affect the oscillation time because, gravity is a standard force, so the weight will not effect the amount of gravity taking place.

The angle at which it is dropped at is another key factor because, if it is dropped from higher up it has longer to pick up speed so therefore it shall travel higher up giving it a longer oscillation time. If the pendulum is dropped from a lower then it shall have less time to pick up speed and so will not travel as high up on the other side.

The force at which it is released, if the pendulum is pushed it shall have gained more speed than if it was just released because it started with more momentum.

Before we carried out the experiment we did some preliminary work testing by how much we should increase the weight each time, we also tested different lengths of string to see which was most effective. We decided to increase the weight by 100g each time so we timed the weight of the pendulum from 100g to 1000g, and we decided to use 45cm of string because we thought these worked effectively.

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I predict that the more weight added to the pendulum the slower the oscillations. I think this because there will be a bigger surface area that the air resistance can act on which will decrease the speed of the pendulum. It shall loss momentum with weights.


We shall set up a pendulum using a retort stand, a G-clamp, and a set of weights, which are tied to the top of a retort stand. We shall time the weight of a pendulum from 100g to 1000g and add a 100g weight to the pendulum, after ...

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