'How dose concentration affect the rate of a chemical reaction.'

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Biology SC1

‘How dose concentration affect the rate of a chemical reaction.’

  • Introduction

An enzyme is a protein molecule that speeds up chemical reactions in all living things.  All living cells make enzymes but enzymes are not alive.  Enzyme molecules function by altering other molecules.  Enzymes combine with altered molecules to form a complex molcule structure in which chemical reactions take place.

Enzymes are specific, they only control one type of reaction although they are specific, all enzymes work in a very similar way and have similar properties.  They are all globular proteins and are all biological catalysts, they increase the rate of a given reaction without being used up and their presence does not change the nature of the reaction or the end product.  Enzymes work by having an actire site, made from amino acids.  Here substrate molecules will bind with enzyme (and other substrate molecules if nesscesary) and a reaction takes place.

Enzymes function can be explained by the lock and key hypothesis.

The enzyme iself is not affected and releases, the new chemical after the reaction.  After release of the end product, more substrate molecules can bind with the active site.  Therefore, an enzyme is a sort of biological enzyme catalyst.

Enzymes are classified into several catagories, such as hydrolytic oxidising and reducing depending on the type of reaction they control hydrolytic enzymes accelerate reactions in which a substance is broken down into simpler compounds through reactions with water molecules oxidising enzymes, know as oxidies acceleate oxidation reactions reducing enzymes speed up reduction reactions, in which oxygen is removed.

Catalase is present in the peroxisomes (microbody organelles that have various oxidation reactions in which toxic peroxides are generated as side products) of nearly all aerobic cell so it serves to protect the cell from toxic affects of hydrogen peroxide by catalysing its decomposition into molecular oxygen and water without the production of free radicals (an atom or a group of atoms with an unpaired electron.  Radicals are unusually reactive and are capable of causing a wide range of biological damage).

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The equation for the reaction that I am going to be looking at is:

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalase = oxygen and water

Using my information of catalayse, it is clear that one of the products of the reaction is oxygen and therefore to measure the rate reaction, I will measure the rate at which oxygen is produced when hydrogen peroxide is mixed with an enzyme.

Aim:  ‘to find out when using the same amount of potatoe and hydrogen peroxide, if changing the area of the potato will affect the rate of the reaction.’

Prediction : I ...

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